
The Human Race

By Freya Anastasia Hatfield

You and I, we are the same

The only difference is the colour of our skin

We bleed the same blood and walk the same earth 

The only difference is the colour of our skin

We both have the same skeleton, we both have the same veins 

The only difference is the colour of our skin

I walk down a street no one looks at me or asks questions

You walk down a street you get called at, spat at, even shot at

The only difference is the colour of our skin

I walk into a shop I don’t get judged, I don’t get looked at

You walk into a shop, and all eyes are on you

The only difference is the colour of our skin

There is no reason as to why this has to be

The only difference is the colour of our skin

You still breathe the same air as me

You feel the same love

You feel the same pain

Yet you have more unjust

You have more fear

It’s not OK 

The only difference is the colour of our skin

For thousands of years, we have walked the same earth

We have walked the same paths

Eaten from the same ground

Yet because of my colour, I have more rights

That is not OK

It’s not OK that I can walk freely without being second-guessed

Without being questioned about my actions

No need to be scared when I walk out of the door

The only difference is the colour of our skin

Yet every day you fear what might happen

That is not OK

We are one race

We are the human race

No colour defines who we are

We are the human race

No religion, no ethnicity, and no differences

We are the human race

We have many colours, we have many ethnicities

But we have only one race

We are the human race

The colour of our skin shouldn’t change that

We first are human

Second family

And third, all live on this planet

We all walk the same earth

Breathe the same air

We are the human race

Stop the colour discrimination

Stop the colour privilege

Stop the racism 

We are one race

We are the human race, 

We have many coloured skins, 

We have many ethnicities, 

Many religions and many beliefs

No skin colour should be classed as higher

No life should be classed as more valuable

No breath of air should be seen as more worthy

Because of the colour of your skin

No life should be feared

No life more so in danger

No life jeopardised because of the colour of your skin

We are one race

Many colours

And every life is worthy

Everyone the same justice

Everyone the right to not live in fear

We are one race

No colour above another

No life above another

No ones right to breath above another

We are sisters and brother 

Brothers and sisters

We are human

We are one race

We are the human race

Little author note. Please feel free to share this blog post, I think there are a lot of people who need to see this poem. I hope everyone is still staying safe, especially if you are protesting stay safe and social distance where you can.

As always thank you for reading love always Thinking out loud xx :D