
The last soldier

The last soldier 
By Freya Anastasia Hatfield

I stood with my horse as the sun came up
I watched as I saw my brothers lay
I was one of the last to survive.
I'd gone to war not knowing my fate, 
but knowing I'd protect
 my country, my loved ones and those who weren't yet born.
I didn't think of being a hero
I didn't think about the pain or the loss
I thought about what my future would be if I didn't join
I thought about the suffering I'd have if I didn't fight

we fought a war for peace, freedom and the right to live
we fought for our names, country and future
we fought through blood and battled in every weather
for the freedom of the future.

We were loved and had loved ones in our hearts
they will not be forgotten
for they were who we fought for.

We left our trenches,
we headed home with less than we came with
we shed tears and shared hugs
we knew we were safe and would fight no more.
We became heroes we didn't know we'd be, 
my heroes are our brothers who didn't make it home.
Who didn't see the end of what we prayed for every day

A hundred years on and you haven't forgotten
A hundred years on and we live on
our memories, our pain, our loss, our lives and our yesterdays 
are remembered in your today's
wear your poppies with pride
for they speak louder than words
wear them from the dawning of the day to the falling of the night
for the heroes gone and those still here
for I was the last to survive.


Truths about writing

Hey Thinking out like here xx :D

A little prior warning grab a drink, maybe a snack and find a comfy seat as this turned out to be longer than I intended.

It's been a while since I've uploaded a post and I know it isn't a Thursday but because it's been a while I feel it doesn't matter what day this goes up. So here I am I know I always say I'm back, but at least for this week, I am. I started this last Friday 19th October when I woke up at three am, I needed to write this post as it originally started out being a tweet but you will soon see why I had to turn it into a blog post. I got carried away by my words as usual oops.

Here are some things I have learnt since I've been writing and some things that no one tells you about writing, for anyone who is looking into being a writer of any kind. 

Some truths about writing, nobody told me how hard it would be, looking for agents/ publishers, which one to go for, how to write an inquiry letter. The fact that you go to one they tell you to go to the other and vice-versa. Or on the website, it says send your name a bit about you, and that’s it, but then in an email, they question why you didn’t send them more information. (Well it’s because your website said don’t send anything other than your name,) When this happens I want to reply with, please update your website I'm not a mind reader, but I do reframe myself from that, and instead, I choose not to respond and move on to the next person to send my manuscript to. 

Nobody tells you about the time you spend editing your own work, having no clue what you are doing because going to a professional editor is beyond expensive and the little knowledge you have you hope is enough to get you through your entire manuscript. Though this does have its upsides, you get to be as free as you want and you decide what to delete and what to keep baring mind you know the path you want the story to take. You never got told that sitting down at your computer, laptop or notepad how physically and mentally demanding it is, I wouldn't change it for the world but had I been told this I would have prepared myself more for what to expect and how to handle the emotions you get from writing. 

Nobody told me that it takes time for your book to become published (three years on and still working away at getting published.) Its hard when you don't have a team behind you, or you aren't known, you don't just come up with the idea and its already deemed to become the next best seller. (In no way am I getting at anybody who this has happened to. I'm happy they have maybe full filled a life dream, but for your everyday person, I'm saying this doesn't always happen. So please don't get any ideas or think that this happens regularly because even those people still had to work hard to get known and have a team behind them first.) 

Nobody told me it takes time going to publishers, agents and anybody who is in the book world with countless no replies or not this time or this isn't what we are looking for and the keep trying, but not having an end in sight. I do often wonder would it be easier if I started a YouTube channel, would I get seen quicker would I have an audience before I have published books but I honestly don't know, the fact is I wouldn't know what to say if I sat in front of a camera. 
You don't hear about the times where you have nothing to write, but you have to keep writing, that's one reason why I'm so slack at the blogging because a lot of the time I'd rather not write anything than writing a load of rubbish. Its the same with writing books but at least I find with that I can go over it later and edit out the bad bits. I do however find writing calming, the quicker I type, the more calming it is. But when your ideas leave you it can be the most frustrating thing, and when that sometimes happens at weeks on end you do start to panic and think what if this happens when I have a publisher or an agent or both behind me, and they are asking for my work. I guess in that situation you just have to make it work you have to make the words flow even if they aren't there. That is one challenge I look forward to and am scared of having it happen.

Nobody told me that you’d randomly wake up at three am one morning not knowing what to do or where you’re going because for the past four years or so you’ve had no idea where you’re going apart from hoping that soon you get the email back that you are wanting. 
Nobody told me that you suddenly get a feeling that life is slipping by, you're working towards a dream that you don't know if you can make happen. You know nobody in the industry you are trying to get into yet you keep going into the unknown. Its hard, it's scary, and over the past couple of weeks, I've silently started to find a shell to crawl into merely, so I don't have to pretend to not be scared of the future I know I want and am currently working towards having. It's hard when 90% of the time you are an introvert and could quite happily live in the realms of four walls but at the same time want to be an extrovert to push yourself up to where you know you need to be. 

Nobody told me that you’d get this new found fear of the thought of your book no longer just being yours, but everybody's, the idea of criticism tearing you up even when you are nowhere near being at that stage in your writing career. This for me is something I think about daily, I at times am without a doubt my own worst critic so there are no words that anyone could say to me that is worse than what I say to myself, but hearing them from someone else will always affect you in a way your own words don't. So hearing anything negative about my work scars me but I know everybody has an opinion, I might not agree with it but they deserve to have one, and i can hand on heart respect it. I also know I can't please everyone, and I don't want to, I feel like pleasing everyone would be hard in itself. I hope that by the time I become an author I can learn to take it all on the chin as if they are criticising your work it at least means that is one extra person who has read it. I also can't wait for the lovely people who tell me they couldn't put down my book or how much they cried or that they felt something they could connect with because then I will know I have done everything right that I wanted to do. 

Nobody told me how confusing it would be or how you get advice, but it isn't the advice you need, (don't worry I'm not going to just randomly stop drinking water) something I got told at the start of my writing journey. It's something I already knew as I already drank a fair bit of water during the day so drinking more wasn't going to change anything apart from the number of times I'd need to go to the loo. 

So if you are as new to this as me or you've just started or even been writing for longer but have never been told any of this, then I’m here to say it isn’t easy. These feelings I'm feeling I’m not used to, and if you are feeling them too then, you're not alone. I know I need to carry on and make them help me with my writing, I can get past these hurdles and these fears to better my work to make me become the best writer I know I can be and of course any of you. I want to be a published author I want to push myself and get past all the hurdles. I want to get my books published, and I will I don’t know when and I don’t know how but I will. Having said that waking up at 3 and simply just scrolling through Twitter has been extremely calming and was something I didn't realise I needed to do (I did this on Friday morning, and I felt so much better for it, though come Saturday I was a lot more tired.) 

Nobody told me your brain never switches off from writing I figured this out back in high school when I would wake up with ideas and had to write them down, I used to be tired on those days at school, but I couldn't help my brain not being quiet at night. It still isn't quiet, but I've learnt to turn off from writing long before I go to bed. I feel that this typically helps my brain, though it still likes to trip me up sometimes and gives me a paragraph or two that I have to get written before I can even think about switching off, even then I can't stop thinking about what I've just written. 
So please be wary of continually needing to be somewhere where you can write. I've had holidays with the family and with friends where I've started not being able to wait to get back to writing, not because I'm not having a good time, I am. It's just that I go a week or two without writing and I feel like I'm losing a part of me, this to me is what living and breathing writing means once you get this far in there is no going back to a life without it.

Now for some advice, that to me would have been helpful had I been given it, this is for anyone just starting out with writing. Don't let the hard work freak you out, don't let the not knowing where you are going be where you stop. Yes it's hard, but you have moments of breakthroughs, you have moments of not knowing what you could achieve. Unlike the advice, I got of drinking more water my advice to you is write. Write when you don't want to, when you have no ideas, write when everything and everyone is telling you to stop. Yes drinking water is essential so is sleep but if you don't push yourself and write when it feels like everything is against you, you won't know how to become a better writer without having some days where you have nothing to write. I know I'm not published I know I'm not an author, but if I had read something like this at the beginning of my writing journey. I wouldn't have needed to have started writing this at four am, and not knowing where I'm going or what I'm doing or how to get to where I want to be. Because the days keep on passing, and I have four years of work and feel like I have nothing to show for it because I honestly have no idea how to get to where I want to be. I know I keep saying its hard and it is. It isn't just sitting behind a screen and writing it's creating a whole other world of people and problems and lives that are happening all in your head. It's not only your own life, but the characters you are writing about; I know that won't make sense to a lot of people, but to the ones, it does you know you are writers. 
If you've read this far, thank you and if you are like me struggling, not knowing where to go and (have woken up because you feel so lost) you're not alone we can help each other find our way in this crazy confusing, wonderful writing world! 

As always thank you for reading I hope you have a lovely day

Love always Thinking out loud xx :D


Self Careathon Social, Funny Memory, Letter

Hi Thinking out loud here :D

For this blog post, you may want to grab yourself a mug of your favourite drink and a snack, I may have got a little carried away with writing :D

Sorry I haven't uploaded for a couple of days, I will try and incorporate what I was going to upload on the previous days into this bog so it will be in three parts starting with Wednesday's day 18 prompt which was Social, Thursday's day 19 prompt was Funny Memory, and finally today's #blurtselfcareathon day 20 prompt which is Letter.

First part Social.

The act of being social

By Freya Anastasia Hatfield

It's easy to forget about being social
it's easy to get so into life, that everything else gets forgotten
or left behind.
The time seems to escape, days go by turning in to weeks,
then it's been months since you could have seen someone,
other than the people you see day to day.
Whether they be family, work colleagues or close friends,
It could have been months since you've been social and gone out with them.
Or even messaged friends.
We get so caught up in the rat race,
that we forget about those around us, as much as we forget about ourselves.
It's easy to get out of being social,
we get comfortable,
we get used to what we know
and too scared to step outside of the comfort for fear of what might happen.
But what if we did step out,
what if it was ok,
nothing is going to happen
apart from being social,
being apart of other peoples lives,
being apart of our own,
only with the people we love
and not getting caught up in,
or loosing out on being social because life got in the way.

Second part Funny Memory

Throughout my twenty-two years I have had a lot of funny memories from getting wet in the sea and not being prepared on countless times, from family holidays to holidays with friends, I'm sure I'm bound to make many more but there is one memory that seems to always make me have a good giggle.
this memory stands out for many reasons but the bit that gets me is closer to the end, I remember this memory as if it's just happened. Lets set it up, my friend and I were about fifteen maybe fourteen we had spent the day together, eating lollies and drinking v energy drink I think we had got through either four or six, not the best combo but back then that was our thing I think we had even been crazy enough to walk in the sea bare in mind it was winter. We'd been around town, gone to the shops for our supplies. We were making our way back to my friend's house, this is when the memory begins though, the whole day is a fun memory.

We're on the main road up from the beach (then, we both lived in a seaside town,) like teenagers do we were chatting and looking down at the ground, we saw a wallet so spent some time deciding who would pick it up as neither of us our fingerprints on it as our thought process was we didn't want someone to think we had stolen it, so I said lets put our things into one bag and use the other bag to pick it up, so we did.
we were a minute if that away from the police station to hand it in. we were then left with another cunundrum who was going to talk to the police man we handed the wallet to, as you can probably guess niether of us wanted to talk, (still no idea why but there you go,) I ended up talking (this is for me the part of the funny memory,) the pollice officer asks us were we found the wallet so my frined says we're we picked it up, he then asks if there was anything in the wallet but because we didn't want fingerprints on it we hadn't looked so had no idea.

After looking through it he then needed details from on of us which niether of us wanted to do, so I gave my details though I started to give him the wrong number (my old english home phone, I hadn't used in about five years at that point,) so my friends like thats, not your number and I'm like ow that my old one, gave him my actual home number, then he needed my birthday which I somehow also forgot so both me and my friends were stood counting out the months before we got to mine, I know it probably didn't look good at the time but it's a memory that has stuck with me and makes me giggle ever now and again. I remember it on days when I need a giggle, we also bring it up sometimes and confuse people when we're like, "remember that time when we went to police station," and we give no explanation.

Third part Letter.

If I could write a letter to my younger self this is what I think I would say.

Dear younger Freya,

The future for you looks ambitious but you will get to where you want to be, you're not there yet, at the age of twenty-two, but I feel you aren't far away from reaching your dreams, at least some of them, some will take time. you don't yet know what your dream is at what age you are, you may still be headstrong about working with animals or you may now have moved on to music. Either way, both those dreams lead you onto writing, one reason though is because of a teacher you will know what I mean when I say thank your teacher for that first line.The times you keep going back to writing also help in leading you into writing, also a friend keeps saying maybe you'll write listen to her you could reach this dream sooner.
You start out with songs, then beginning of stories, then you start a blog keep working at it, it helps, then finally you start writing your first book that turns into a trilogy, its hard but you love it, you continue with ideas some you loose remember to write them down all those ideas are possible books.

Be kind to yourself, don't put so much pressure on yourself, if you're still at school ignore some people, trust me don't let what they say affect you when you're older you are stronger than what they say. There is one person you shouldn't ignore, trust your instincts they are right, trust me this person is amazing.
You have amazing friends who you still have now only you are more spread out and don't see each other nearly half, as much as you did at school, thats part of growing up. You, however, start the moving away, you definitely don't expect it to be you, you do this by spending eight amazing months in Austrailia, part of this will be hard for more than one reason, that you will find ou but you make memories and grow more than you think you will.

Now we come to being twenty-two nearly twenty-three, you still have so much to figure out and so much uplanned and so much you yet don't know about as I don't either, but I do know this you are smart not neccissarily A* smart but you have written a rap about that and know it's ok not being A*, at this point of your life you are happy you are coming up to the end of your second book and starting your third you are looking for an agent and a publisher, keep at it we will get there. Just be strong be like the child you once were who was always in her imagination but who wasn't scared, you are stronger than you think you just need to believe in yourself, there are a lot of people who believe in you, you just need to do the same.

Finally have fun, be young, be a twenty two year old you have time to be young so do it, travel see the world don't let anything hold you back, let your writing take you where you want to go, at this point in life you've been to Austrailia there is still so much of the world to see.

Don't fogret be kind, be happy, love, and be kind to yourself you've got this
love twenty two year old Freya xxxx

P.S. the world is starting to realise that it is changing that we as humans are apart of the change and it doesn't look good if you can starting changing before it becomes necessary, there are some crazy people in this world, trust that things will change, it's already starting to change slowly and hopefully one day for the better.

That concludes what will possibly be the longest blog I ever do, if you have made it this far thank you so much for reading I hoep you have a lovely day and a lovely weeked, I'm not sure if there will be a blog post this weekend, if there isn't hope you all have fu if there is a post then forget this part :D

Love always Thinking out loud xx :D


Self Creathon Create

Hi Thinking out loud here :D

Today’s #blurtselfcareathon day 17 prompt is create.

I find being creative as a window, a window of opportunities, a window to offload stress to let what you can’t say, away to get out, a window that enables the mind to be free. It isn’t easy but I don’t think it’s meant to be, to some it comes naturally and others have to work hard but everyone finds some relief in whatever way they like to create.

For me if comes in the way of writing, when I can’t write or find the right words then I do some drawings (bad drawings) but they help me find the words my mind fogs up on at the time. It’s weird I can have a brain full of ideas one day and none the next, I just have to remember to jot them down though I tend to forget. 
I find sometimes you have to let your brain take over, let it create what it needs to when you do that you tend to find what you were trying to find or you’re able to do what you were trying to do. 

The beauty of being creative is that there are no good or bad results you can create anything and it is a masterpiece, some people might not like it but there will be others who love it, as long as you the person who has been the creator loves whatever said thing is then that’s enough. It doesn’t have to be perfect or amazing if it helps you unwind, relax and have some time off then do it don’t let anyone get in your way. If it’s a next best seller or your artwork in a gallery or photographs, or even making something with your kids then be creative what you make will be the best thing you’ve created. 

Thank you for reading hope you have a lovely day, hope you are enjoying these blurt foundation self careathon blogs.

Love always Thinking out loud xx :D


Self Careathon Treasure

Hi Thinking out loud here:D

Today’s #blurtselfcareathon day 16 prompt is Treasure.

By Freya Anastasia Hatfield 

Treasure the people around you.
Treasure every moment life gives you, whether it be good or bad, every moment matters.

Treasure the people who come and go, at one point they will have meant the world.
Treasure the mountains you climb, the mental, emotional and physical each kind has its battles on the way.
Treasure yourself, 
put you’re self first
Treasure everything about you, you’re important.
You, are the most important, kind of treasure!

Thank you for reading hope you have a lovely day 

Love always Thinking out loud xx :D


Self Careathon Kindness

Hi Thinking out loud here :D

Todays #blurtselfcareathon day 15 prompt is kindness.

Kindness is something we learn to do for other people, but when it comes to ourselves it always seems to be that little bit harder. We hear people say “you need to be kinder to yourself” but it’s never easy to actually do that, I think it’s because being harsher on us is easier it’s easy to be our own worst critic or to say things you know someone else won’t say because to us what we are thinking is true when in actual fact it isn’t. 

Being kinder to other people is easier you know if you aren’t kind to them they’d take it wrong they’d take it as being rude or you having been brought up ‘wrong’ when you’d simply just being doing something we all do to ourselves. 

Seen as this months goal is all about self care let today be about being kind to yourself, listen to people around you listen to what they are saying that’s kind that you maybe wouldn’t say to yourself. Let it sink in let that take over let it feel like you are the one saying it. It can be as simple as saying you’ve done a good job or that you are a nice person and today is your day, compliment yourself wear your favourite outfit and tell yourself how good you look, be the person you are to others for today let that person be you. 

Thank you for reading have an awesome day, you look great in that outfit, this day is your day be kind to yourself you are doing amazing. 

Love always Thinking out loud xx :D 


Self Careathon Squad

Hi Thinking out loud here :D 

Today's #blurtselfcrethon day 14 prompt is squad.

We all have ’celebrity’ squad goals but what about the ones we already have, the people we care about and love for me that's the only squad I need, I honestly think I have the best friends, we may not see each other half as much as we used to bit when we can it's like we'd never been way it's so easy to pick up from where we left. 

They are always there and you know they'll have your back when you need them, that for me means more than any squad I could dream of and for that I love my squad I've known some of them for eleven years some nogcso long but if feels like I've known them for a life time, and that to me is something that is pretty special to have in a squad. 

Just a short post tonight, thank you for reading hope you have a lovely day/night.

Love always Thinking out loud xx :D 

Self Careathon Doodle

Hi Thinking out loud here:D

Today’s #blurtselfcareathon day 13 prompt is doodle

I’m pretty sure I am right in saying we all love to doodle, it doesn’t matter how good or bad it is, in all honesty, a doodle doesn’t have to be amazing it can be lines on a page or full of detail. It can be something that helps you think before you start doing something or it can simply be something that relaxes you. 
For me it’s both I doodle when I’m struggling for ideas to write it frees my mind without me noticing, though at the same time it helps me think, sometimes it’s deep thoughts where I can be anywhere but the room I’m sat in, it can be random thoughts that over a couple of minutes doodling turn into ideas for my characters. I also find it relaxing in times when writing does get too much it helps calm my mind those times I’m able to think of nothing but the creation I’m making with my doodle.

When I was at school it was something I did not because I wasn’t paying attention or because I was bored (I may have been but I think that was just how we got taught,) it helped me listen it helped me think about what we were doing or what we were going to be doing. It was something that genuinely helped make me focused and concentrated on what I was learning, there were times when I’d forget to listen but those were the times doodles needed to take over.

It’s amazing how when the brain is so focused on something it’s still working on other things like subconsciously thinking about what you maybe are meant to be doing, or calming you in away something different wouldn’t be able to. It’s something that we all do and all need to do.
 I used to get told off for not paying attention because of my doodling when in actual fact I was able to pay more attention because of the doodle. I guess what I’m trying to say is if anyone tells you to stop doodling don’t it helps, it helps calm and keep the brain focused plus it’s something fun to do and lets you be as creative as you want to be. If it is that little line or detailed do a doodle today give your brain a rest, let your mind drift. 
As much as we need time off so do our brains and doodling is a pretty good way of giving them a good rest for a little bit.

As always thanks for reading happy doodling and hope you all have a lovely day

Love always Thinking out loud xx :D


Self Careathon Animals

Hi, Thinking out loud here :D

The #blurtselfcareathon day 12 prompt is animals.

Animal love 
By Freya Anastasia Hatfield 

The fluffy cuddles,
The gentle touch,
The outpouring love,
are just some things to help us through the hard days.

Knowing they’ll be there
always ready for a snuggle. 
No judging of how you look,
what you wear
or even what your house looks like. 
These are the things that let you know they care.

They keep you warm on a cold night,
They comfort you when the day feels gray.
They love you for who you are, not because of what you may have gone through.

They’re companions, best friends and part of the family.
They come in different sizes, shapes and species,
them being different doesn’t change how we feel about them.
They are there for us as we are for them,
We have bonds that mean no end
They are animals. 

Thank you for reading, hope you all have a lovely day.

Love always, Thinking out loud xx :D

Self Careathon Encourage

Hi Thinking out loud here :D

Sorry I missed two days of #blurtselfcareathon, I will try and incorporate day 9 and 10 in with today’s blog, day 9 prompt was lemons day 10 was laugh and today’s prompt is encourage. 

By Freya Anastasia Hatfield 

He found it hard on his own,
though when his friends were there anything was possible.
It took time, it took encouragement, it took blood sweat and tears, love and a lot of laughter.
Along with life’s bitter sweet moments 
Like the first bite of a lemon,
But he soon found what was once impossible on his own
Became possible with a little bit of encouragement. 

Thank yo for reading hope you all have a lovely day I will be back tomorrow for day 12

Love always Thinking out loud xx :D


Self Careathon Re-charge

Hi Thinking out loud here :D

Today’s prompt for day 8 #blurtselfcareathon is Re-charge.

By Freya Anastasia Hatfield 

The body over time gets tired,
with a little sleep and a little rest, 
It recharges ready to face whatever happens next. 
It takes some time but it’s worth the wait,
as the body re-charges ready for another day.
Just be patient you will see, your recharged body at the best, it’s ever been! 

Just a quick like poem today as always thank you for reading hope you have a lovely day.

Love always Thinking our loud xx :D 

Self Careathon Learn

Hi Thinking out loud here :D 

Today’s prompt for #blurtselfcareathon is Learn 

It takes a lot to learn how to truly look after yourself, to truly know the meaning of taking time out for yourself and not caring what anyone says. Part of being healthy is taking some time out of your day, week or month to take time for you whether it be doing a hobby, spending time with loved ones or taking a bath, taking time to relax to destress or simply just to feel like you are doing something for you.

Learning that being a little bit selfish is ok, I’m not saying forget being polite and considerate, the little bit of selfish that’s ok is making sometime for yourself it’s saying no when you need to, it’s not taking on more when you already feel like you have a marathon to run. it’s knowing when to take a breather before you get forced to take a breather. 
It’s finding the balance of being able to be busy but also being able to be free and unwind from the busy world around you. 

This is how I see it I see learning how to be a little bit selfish as a great thing. We all need a little bit of me time, I see taking a break and saying no as putting yourself first when maybe you put everyone before you! It’s learning that you can’t always be super-mum, super-dad, super-friend ect all the time. It’s learning that it might be hard but stepping back and lifting some of the load might be what you need to do more. We’re all young for a short time and in that time we need to learn what we are capable of and what we need to learn to do less of and when to take a break we need to learn that caring for others and ourselves needs to start with you. 

As always thank you for reading I will be back tomorrow (today) with day eight

Love always thinking out loud xx :D


Selfcareathon, Support

Hey Thinking out loud here :D

For the month of April (ok for the rest of April) I have decided to challenge myself by taking part in the selfcareathon that was created by The Blurt Foundation. This to me is a big challenge as I know how bad I am at uploading blog posts given that this one is a day late, but I know this is something I'm going to make myself do as I feel I can't, not do this challenge considering the book trilogy I'm currently writing is mostly based on a mental illness.

The challenge is to write a post each day ( I'm going to aim to write a poem or a short story or something along those lines) but it could be as simple as posting a picture with a caption from the prompts, I will post the picture below this post and will also upload it to my social media for selfcareathon. The idea is for self-care to show love to ourselves and show ourselves that we are able to do anything and anything is possible.

For me this is part of getting rid of the stigmas we put on ourselves and that other people put on us and that over the years have gone hand in hand with mental illnesses. Although I personally don't have a mental illness part of this for me is bringing awareness to a part of society that needs looking at more, that needs to be talked about more. There are more people than we realise who have a mental illness and so easily slip under a line of no one knowing because these days it seems so easy to turn away than see what is staring at us something that could so easily be stopped by there being more help and there being more talk about, and more out there about the first signs of someone having a mental illness. Another part of it for me is to let people know they are not alone, that there are people out there who care and who want to help in whatever way possible.

This awareness is something I hope to one day help bring more into the light when my books are published.
I personally think this is an amazing idea I got the idea to do the blogs from http://www.carriehopefletcher.com/ who got the challenge idea from https://www.blurtitout.org/ The Blur Foundation. If like me you want to give this ago it is in no way too late you still have a fair few days to go so feel free to join, in you can do this whatever way you want to, all you need to remember is to use #blurtselfcareathon somewhere in your post and maybe even tag @theblurtfoundation.
I'm starting with day six and today's prompt is Support.

by Freya Anastasia Hatfield 


Thank you for reading today's blog, I will be back tomorrow for day seven. I hope you're all well and having a lovely day!

love always Thinking out loud xx :D


here is the picture of all the selfcareathon prompts
the picture is from The Blurt Foundation Instagram page all credit for the picture goes to them. @theblurtfoundation


Harry Potter Tag

Hi Thinking out loud here :D

Today I thought I would do the Harry Potter tag as it's one of my favourite book and movies series and something I have grown up with and loved from the first day I was able to read the books (had the book read to me.) I got this idea from Jenny in Neverland, feel free to check her blog post out and if you want to give the tag ago and let me know so I can see HP tags.

Harry Potter Tag

1 what house are you in?
I use to be in Slytherin but then had to retake the test on Pottermore because it changed years after I first signed up so I then became a Gryffindor.

2 What is your patronas?
My patronas is a dolphin I love this animal and it has been one of my favourites for a long time along with pigs so it's quite apt that a dolphin should be my patronas.

3 what is your wand?
Hawthorn wood with a phoenix feather core 12 ½ and quite bendy flexibility

4 what would your boggart be?
My boggart would be either a clown, anything dressed up/ big head or a spider.

5 What position would you play in Quidditch?
I'd like to say Seeker I think everyone would want to be one but you'd be more likely to see me cheering on the sidelines.

6 would you be pure-blood, half-blood or muggle born?
I'd probably most likely be a half-blood

7 What job would you want to have after leaving Hogwarts?
I'd probably still be a writer though working with mythical creatures would be pretty amazing so maybe something along the lines of working with animals but with writing on the side.

8 Which of the Deathly Hallows would you choose?
Definitely, the cloak being able to become invisible would be amazing being able to get out of an awkward situation would become so much easier, or if I just wanted to hide in general would be awesome.

9 Favourite book?
It's been awhile since I have read any of the books though I keep promising to myself I will read them again, so picking a favourite book is pretty hard but having to choose just one I'd say the Philosopher's Stone as it sets up the next six books.

10 least favourite book?
I honestly can't pick a least favourite as the books where my childhood and I thoroughly loved every book I read as a child so I would have to pick one that I don't remember reading much and that would maybe be Order of the Pheonix.

11 favourite film?
The Philosopher's stone because again it sets up the story behind the other films though I do like The Prisoner of Azkaban minus the scene with the bogarts where there is a clown

12 least favourite film?
The Chamber of Secrets simply for the scene with Aragog I still can't watch it without needing a cushion.

13 favourite character?
I have two though so easily could have many more favourites, I have chosen Hagrid because I know he would always be there for anything and would stick up for you if he knew you hadn't done anything wrong, plus you never know when you are going to need a giant in the wizarding world. Snape because although he's shown as being strict and what the rules say is what happens when it comes to it all he is doing like other teachers are looking out for Harry and the fact that he still loves Lilly shows that love is stronger than anything.

14 least favourite character?
Aragog if he can be classed as a character.

15 favourite teacher at Hogwarts?
Professor McGonagall without a doubt.

16 least favourite teacher at Hogwarts?
Professor Quirrell, he's just too jumpy, weird and is a host body for Voldemort.

17 do you have any unpopular opinions about the series?
I don't really have any apart from the half blood prince should have maybe been split into two films because like the deathly hallows book there was so much from the book that couldn't possibly have fitted into one movie and it being two they could have put in important parts that were missed out.

Thank you for reading I hope you have a lovely day and if you're a HP fan I definitely encourage you to do this tag and let me know so I can see what your answers are.

Also Happy Easter I hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

love always Thinking out loud xx :D