
reflecting on younger life

Reflecting on younger life

Hey thinking out loud here :D

Sometimes I wish I was a child again as life seemed so much easier and more fun no responsibilities no having to walk everywhere no chores to do. But then I think about it when I was a child I was small I couldn't do much for myself I relied on my parents and my brother a lot, don't get me wrong I rely on them now just not as much.

I Can do more things for myself although I'm still too small for some thing's but I think being small is good and for now I'm OK with that as I'm medium height and I don't mind it because I'm not too small and I'm not too tall. In my mind I'm the perfect height and it's my height.

I'm glad that I remember being a child and having help with being a child but I have to say I also like being older and being able to do more things for myself even if I do need help sometimes having to reach something on the highest self or cupboard in the kitchen :/ I wouldn't change how things have panned out although every now and then I do wish I could be pushed around in a pram or pushchair if only for one day, especially when its a rainy day and I see a little kid wrapped up warm and all snugly not getting wet or cold those are the days I wish I had a grown up pushchair all I can say is at least I can dream.

love Thinking out loud :D