

By Freya Anastasia Hatfield

Grieve is a funny thing

It can last a lifetime

It makes you believe that you are ok

It hides for a long time

Only to return one day unexpectedly

No reasons as to why, 

maybe other than to make you not forget that pain

It affects everyone differently

No one death affects us the same

You can go days, weeks, months even years

Without noticing it, without knowing that it is still there

Some can live with it, others can’t

That’s the effect of grieve.

Some cry day after day, shutting everyone they love out

Others find talking about it, letting everyone in helps

From young to old at some point, we will all experience 

Someone we love passing away.

It’s something we can’t hide from, nor should we want to

It can make us stronger, make us live every day we have to its fullest

It can make us grateful for what we have

Make us proud of the person we knew

Make us realise how special they were

The memories we make, the little captures of time we can save

Things that  they told us and no one else

The impact that we don’t realise that they make on our lives

Long after they have gone.

Grieve is often seen as being sad

A thing that brings sad thoughts

And for some reason brings us down

It doesn’t have to be that way

It can bring you happy thoughts

Of happy times spent with a loved one you miss

Grieve can bring you back to a time when you smiled and laughed

It doesn’t need to be a frown and tears

A laugh a smile a happy thought

These can also be grieve 

A remembering of your loved ones who are no longer here


Mental Health Monday week 3

Recharging our batteries

Hi Thinking out loud here xx :D

I recommend for every MHM you grab a little snack, a drink and a comfy seat and take this time for you. Take as long as you need on this beautiful Monday to read this post.

How are we already on to week three of MHM I'm surprised I have stuck at this for three weeks but I am proud that we are here, let's keep going. I know I did a check-in last week, but I'm going to do another one this week as well. I'll be honest I feel like I have written and rewritten this post five times already but I think I have found a topic to talk about, incidentally I got this idea from my laptop needing to be plugged into power so let's talk about recharging our own batteries.

It can be so easy for us to keep going, keep moving and keep being active, or our minds continually thinking none stop. This can be nice but eventually, we all hit that wall of enough is enough. Take this weekend for instance, on Friday it was my little cousins 8th birthday so we spent all day getting ready for when she came home from school, her trampoline being built, birthday cake being made (its surprising how long it takes to make a cake, took me a good few hours, mainly waiting for it to cool enough to frost it and decorate it) then the big surprise and present opening, along with having a few friends over two from school and one from the street, on a typical day this is energy-sapping on a birthday and having so much excitement around we can times that sapping by two, so to recharge from that, comes an early night, for most people when your body though decides that your usual bedtime of midnight to one am is still a good idea (I beg to differ, but what works for you brain, you will one day learn.)

Then Saturday was party day (this is where an early night would have been a god idea) As a little note it was all COVID safe, everyone there kept their distance from each group, mostly, the tables were few and far between, parents were to a minimum as in most kids came with another kid, so it kept the numbers down, it worked at two kids pretty much to one adult. Then my cousin and I had booked into hot yoga on the Friday night (we might be crazy, but I regret nothing) If you haven't done yoga of any kind I can not recommend it enough. After a kids party I can think of a better way to charge your batteries than to do a yoga session, sixty minutes of heat, sweat, and time to heal your body, thank your body and allow any stress, anxieties and aches to be relieved, I would say the best way to recharge your body, as we say we never regret going to a class. Let's not mention the mess we came back to of unwrapped and most if not all presents out of packaging and packaging everywhere.

Sunday, was well let's not mention the mess from Saturday as it was spent mostly getting the house back into some kind of organisation and the living room back into a living room and not what can only be called a dumpsite, but it's fair to say it doesn't always look like that but I have to say making space for new things and being ruthless with old stuff felt pretty good being able to throw things away that had been long forgotten about. Another way to fully clear your mind, also a way I never knew could recharge your batteries, even if it was also a little tiring, not to mention the at one point having four kids with two adults busy cleaning, the constant asking for you to go on the trampoline. I also need to add the early night I didn't get on either Friday or Saturday I did get, I was in bed by nine-thirty and asleep by 11:59 I'll take that as a win on the sleep anything before midnight is good even if its a minute before.

Looking back now, I see each day had its own different way of recharging me and preparing me for the next day, I may have been fatigued, had a headache for half the day Sunday but regardless of each recharge worked in different ways and helped for those days. Would a one-child only day on Sunday have been good? Yes, but I can't say that looking back now I would have chosen that, as much as it was hard, at times annoying we coped, we had fun, and we accomplished what we needed to do. What works for me might not work for you. This is how I got through what was a hectic weekend, tiring. Still, fun, eventful, a time for celebration in a time of uncertainty, a little bit of normality, it was hard. Despite this, it showed me that there is always a way to find time for you. 

There is invariably a way of making it possible to recharge for the next day. Whether for you that is reading a book going for a walk, going to the gym, swimming, baking, cooking whatever it is that helps you relax and takes you away from life for thirty to sixty minutes do it today, use that time you carve out to recharge, take some deep breaths and relax. Set a timer, don't keep checking it, let the time tick on and really get into what you are doing to recharge your body, your battery that enables you to do everything else. 

If you don't have that long then ten to five minutes is just as good and better than no minutes. It can even be before you go to bed tonight you go to be a little earlier to fit in the time for you, and only you, let all worries of today and tomorrow go. Be present in the now only, be present with you and your breath. This is your time for you, for your body and for your health, physical, mental and spiritual. Like our devices every night or day get recharged, we also need to be recharged don't let your body run low, let those around you know that you need to take some time out to be able to join in and enjoy what is happening with those you are fortunate to have around you.

Thank you for reading I hope you have a lovely day, and I hope you do take the time to recharge your batteries I would love to know how you go please if you like let me know in the comments and any suggestions of what I can write next is gratefully accepted, please also feel free to share this post around to anyone who you think might need to read it. (little note all comments get moderated, so if you wish for you comments to not be public let me know and they won't be published it will only be me who will see it, if you don't say then comments will be published.)

Love always Thinking out loud xx :D