
Mental Health Monday week 10


Hi Thinking out loud here xx :D

As every week grab a drink and a snack and like always drink responsibly, and snack responsibly take this time for you, find a comfy seat, put your feet up and let your breath guide you through this post. I like to do a few deep breaths at the beginning of Mental Health Mondays so this week is no different. If you have any kind of breathing problems please and I can not stress this enough please skip this bit of Mental Health Mondays. The aim is to find calmness and stillness within ourselves and not to injure so please do what calms you before starting this blog.

Lets take three deep breaths in and out, take a deep breath all the way in through your nose, and hold for three seconds,1, 2, 3, and all the way out, through your mouth and hold for two seconds, 1, 2, two more to go. Deep breath in all the way through your nose and hold for three seconds, 1, 2, 3, and out all the way through your mouth and hold for two seconds, 1, 2, final one in all the way through your nose and hold for five seconds, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and out all the way through your mouth and hold for three seconds, 1, 2, 3, now you can find your regular breathing pattern and breath as normal having let any stresses of the day go.

With this being a catch-up week how are we all going, last week was a big week, Halloween for those of us who celebrate it, All saints day, and day of the dead today. Its typically known for being a spooky time of year. If the spooks aren't quite for you I hope you can now relax knowing less scary seasons are coming up, guy folks towards the end of this week, though I'm sure this year will be a little different with no bonfires or firework displays happening, thanksgiving for all of our American friends, and, of course, Christmas next month, take this time before these events happen to take some time for you, this year everyone will be shopping online so make allowance for late shipping, make a list of what you need, get it before you need it, getting it early will let you rest knowing you are ready and prepared for whatever the rest of this year could give us. Whether it is more lockdowns, as I know England are going into, for another month. Or something else decides that it needs to happen to add to what has already been a crazy year. Having everything ready to help in making this time of year as normal for you and your loved ones will help in making it still that special time of year.

I hope though that this week is a little less crazy, though if you are like me and have decided to do NaNoWriMo (national novel writing month) then good luck for the month ahead, I hope day two is going well, and let's bring on the crazy of writing 50,000 words. If you aren't doing NaNoWriMo then I hope this month is kind to you, I hope you take time for you, self-care is important, so for all of us remember to keep looking after yourselves, when you need a break take one, whether it be from social media, from real life, work-life, take the breaks as and when you need them.

Be kind, always, to not only those around you but more importantly to you, be gentle again to not only those around you but more importantly to you, this week if you struggle with something try facing it head-on, face those fear, concur whatever is holding you back, and be the kick-arse amazing person you are.

This is just a short one today, as I do need to get onto NaNoWriMo writing, but I hope wherever you are you have a lovely, calm day, remember to breathe, be thankful for the day, week and months ahead and know that you are lucky, loved and worthy of everything good.

Thank you as always for reading.

Love Thinking out loud xx :D

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