
Unfamiliar Times

Hi Thinking out loud here :D

This week, I thought I would do a full sit down blog post, so grab a drink, a little snack and let's try and get to know the madness that is happening. Let's try to feel a little bit better about it all, and see the good that is happening and is coming from an awful situation.

There are a lot of things happening right now, and I am sure that you, like me are finding it hard to get your head around it all. Borders are closing entire countries are on lockdown, social distancing is a thing and loved ones who don't live with you can't be seen in person. This is something that as far I know hasn't happened in anyone's lifetime that is currently alive. There has been world wars and other pandemics but not a pandemic that has seen a closure of the world to such an extent as we are now seeing. No amount of cold/flu/ plague, swine flu, previous versions of the coronavirus that have spread so quickly and been so devastating, yes some of those past pandemics may have killed more people and lasted longer. Yes, some things kill people daily that has happened and will continue. But this strain this version of coronavirus has spread far quicker than anyone thought it would, it has shown that nobody is exempt to it, no amount of money or wealth will stop you from getting it. Which is why in this time of crazy it is so important to stay as positive as we can more now than we have ever needed to.

It is time that we start being grateful for the things we have, not for the things we can't have, for me the most significant thing to be thankful for are the people who are working to save peoples lives, the medical staff, the cleaners who have to go and clean a room after a coronavirus victim has left it, people delivering supplies to those who need them, police who are trying to keep people safe at home and keeping them from going too far when they should be staying in their towns and as close to home as possible, I am grateful for anyone who still has to go to work, who still have to risk going out so daily lives can still keep as normal as possible. If you are someone who is still required to go to work thank you for everything you are doing, and I hope for your safety and your health that this virus doesn't hang around for much longer.
We need to accept that staying in right now as much as you can is the best option. As hard as it is to stay away from family and friends it is so necessary, for everyone's health, this means no family get together, no parties, no outside interaction and no having people around to your house or even going to someone else's house. If we all do as our governments are telling us to do, this will be contained quicker and the virus itself will be lessened and the impact will decrease.

I know staying positive is hard but I see it as a must, I think to see the little things in life right now is one of the best things you can do along with obviously washing your hands and staying as hygienic as possible without causing your hands pain, and skin irritation. As much as our minds will start to wander during this time of isolation, keep it active, do little jobs around your home that you have been putting off or saying you'll do them when you have time, now is our time to do them. Find a hobby that you like or multiple to make each day different. If you have any kind of device, use it to keep in contact with loved ones keep doing your weekly catch-ups with family and friends it just means for now that side of life will be virtual, this virus doesn't have to take away everything it means as humans we need to adapt and change our ways, and using various video calling apps is the best way to achieve some form of normality.
I hope everyone keeps safe, healthy and happy, keeping happy is just as vital, breath in some fresh air every day, take a walk if you are able to, and enjoy this extra time you have of no daily travel. I'm going to do what I can to make this space as positive as possible over the next little while, please leave a message if there is anything you want me to talk about specifically while we go through this interesting time together, remember we are all going through this together no one is alone and as much as we are isolated no one should feel alone, do what you can to help those near you and if you are someone who needs help reach out to those close to you and don't feel scared to do so.
Be understanding to everyone, keep your distance, but above anything keep safe and always be kind
Love always Thinking out loud xx :D