Hi it's Thinking out loud here :D sorry the blog is up a day late.
I feel like this post is going to be on a more serious level than previous blog posts I have done. I feel like this is something I need to talk about as it has been around a lot recently on social media and it got me thinking about some things. I've seen it on comments of photos and videos of people I watch everyday, to me I personally think there is nothing wrong with what they look like. But of course there is always going to be a handful of people who think differently. these are the people who although they may not know it are body shaming.
I'm not going to be that person who says ow it's just women of a certain size who are being body shamed because they're not and I know that, I know it happens to everyone regardless of your size, colour, gender it doesn't matter it happens to everyone which is so incredibly sad that things like this are still happening in 2016. Yes it might be more out there that it is something that affects women but men get body shamed just as much. For me being female I think it would be so easy for me to say it is aimed at females but I can't I don't want to personally be one sided and hide the fact that it happens to men as well. Because in reality it happens to everyone which is why I felt I needed to talk about it. It isn't just one stereotype it's all of them it isn't just one class of people it's all of them which is why I find it's so important to talk about it and to say what you think about it and to change how things are now.
Like I said it happens to everyone and I know a lot of people try and say ow it's just women or ow it's just people who are overweight. it's so much more than that it's not fat shaming and it's not skinny shaming it's everything put together regardless of what you look like or who you are and its wrong no one deserves the put downs that come from body shaming. I find it sad that the next generation are going to grow up thinking they have to look a certain way. Because the media portray this image of a 'perfect' body and what you should look like, when in reality there is no perfect body as every body has it's imperfections that make it unique and perfect in it's own way. There's no image of a body that is the perfect body a perfect body is something that we portray ourselves to be a perfect body it's not something we are shown and made to believe is a perfect body.
I think the more people stop listening to negative comments and start embarrassing their bodies for what it looks like and for the fact it gets them from A to B children will have a much better appreciation of what any body should look like and that looking a certain way isn't something that you need to achieve. Because realistically it isn't achievable for everyday life or if you live a '9 to 5' working day. I know it's hard to get away from the thought of I'm too heavy I need to be skinnier or I'm too skinny I need to be bigger the I need to look like what people are telling me to look like, especially when it's in magazines and on the Internet. But seriously who cares what you look like who cares what you weigh it's just a number. Your body is yours only and no one else's it shouldn't matter what you look like or how much you weigh to anybody else as long as you're happy with who you are that's what should matter. If you want to change how you look do it because you want to and not because someone has told you that you could lose weight or as they might have said it stop eating the cakes or to put some on again as they might have said it eat a sandwich it's not up to anyone else, it's up to you to decide what you want to look like and you only.
Body shaming isn't something that just stays on the surface for people it affects it goes so much deeper it affects your well being it can affect who you are. It can make you feel worthless someone's image could be everything to them so if they get told they don't have 'a good looking body' that for them could be the end of it. for someone body shaming could be the last straw, trying to not get too dark but it could be the thing that pushes them that step too far, sadly things like this do happen and it's sometimes for reasons like body shaming.
Body shaming is a type of bullying a bullying that shouldn't even be happening not that any bullying is OK because it really isn't. With body shaming it affects a wide range of people from young to old it's something that has been around for years. I find it being on social media doesn't help with how out there it is and how present it is in everyday life. I feel instead of bringing people down we need to bring them up tell them what you like about them, talk about their best qualities, talk about something they've achieved that they can be proud about. This won't make you look weak if anything it makes you a stronger person and it will make the person you're talking to stronger especially if they're not expecting it.
Like I said it happens to everyone and I know a lot of people try and say ow it's just women or ow it's just people who are overweight. it's so much more than that it's not fat shaming and it's not skinny shaming it's everything put together regardless of what you look like or who you are and its wrong no one deserves the put downs that come from body shaming. I find it sad that the next generation are going to grow up thinking they have to look a certain way. Because the media portray this image of a 'perfect' body and what you should look like, when in reality there is no perfect body as every body has it's imperfections that make it unique and perfect in it's own way. There's no image of a body that is the perfect body a perfect body is something that we portray ourselves to be a perfect body it's not something we are shown and made to believe is a perfect body.
I think the more people stop listening to negative comments and start embarrassing their bodies for what it looks like and for the fact it gets them from A to B children will have a much better appreciation of what any body should look like and that looking a certain way isn't something that you need to achieve. Because realistically it isn't achievable for everyday life or if you live a '9 to 5' working day. I know it's hard to get away from the thought of I'm too heavy I need to be skinnier or I'm too skinny I need to be bigger the I need to look like what people are telling me to look like, especially when it's in magazines and on the Internet. But seriously who cares what you look like who cares what you weigh it's just a number. Your body is yours only and no one else's it shouldn't matter what you look like or how much you weigh to anybody else as long as you're happy with who you are that's what should matter. If you want to change how you look do it because you want to and not because someone has told you that you could lose weight or as they might have said it stop eating the cakes or to put some on again as they might have said it eat a sandwich it's not up to anyone else, it's up to you to decide what you want to look like and you only.
Body shaming isn't something that just stays on the surface for people it affects it goes so much deeper it affects your well being it can affect who you are. It can make you feel worthless someone's image could be everything to them so if they get told they don't have 'a good looking body' that for them could be the end of it. for someone body shaming could be the last straw, trying to not get too dark but it could be the thing that pushes them that step too far, sadly things like this do happen and it's sometimes for reasons like body shaming.
Body shaming is a type of bullying a bullying that shouldn't even be happening not that any bullying is OK because it really isn't. With body shaming it affects a wide range of people from young to old it's something that has been around for years. I find it being on social media doesn't help with how out there it is and how present it is in everyday life. I feel instead of bringing people down we need to bring them up tell them what you like about them, talk about their best qualities, talk about something they've achieved that they can be proud about. This won't make you look weak if anything it makes you a stronger person and it will make the person you're talking to stronger especially if they're not expecting it.
Just because other people body shame doesn't mean you have to follow suit, show people you're stronger and don't need to bring someone down to make yourself feel better about who you are. Because honestly it doesn't make you a better person for making someone think they need to change what they look like. Making someone feel confident with in themselves will show you how much confidence you have within yourself and that body shaming doesn't even need to be happening.
To lighten things up a little I feel like setting who ever reads this a challenge I know it's nearly the end of the week but I reckon it's do able. I set you the challenge of telling five people that they look good and that they are perfect just the way they are and to not change regardless of what someone might say. It can be more people if you want but I'm saying five so it is achievable, I feel a little compliment can really go along way especially in a society that needs more people who give out compliments.
seen as I'm not an expert on things like this and I'm definitely not someone you should seek professional advice from on a topic like this, here is a link to a blog post that goes more in depth with body shaming and other aspects to it walden eating disorders. If you do know anyone who struggles with how they look talk to them let them know someone cares let them know they have a friend. If you can get them help, because no one deserves to live a life that isn't happy especially if other people are making them feel that way.
To lighten things up a little I feel like setting who ever reads this a challenge I know it's nearly the end of the week but I reckon it's do able. I set you the challenge of telling five people that they look good and that they are perfect just the way they are and to not change regardless of what someone might say. It can be more people if you want but I'm saying five so it is achievable, I feel a little compliment can really go along way especially in a society that needs more people who give out compliments.
seen as I'm not an expert on things like this and I'm definitely not someone you should seek professional advice from on a topic like this, here is a link to a blog post that goes more in depth with body shaming and other aspects to it walden eating disorders. If you do know anyone who struggles with how they look talk to them let them know someone cares let them know they have a friend. If you can get them help, because no one deserves to live a life that isn't happy especially if other people are making them feel that way.
Personally I think we should stop making people feel bad for what they look like. Instead let's empower people lets make people feel worthwhile and the best versions of themselves without having to change because someone's said they need to. Lets stop reading into magazines and believing the next pill that supposedly makes you lose weight with in a week. Lets be realistic anything that can do that isn't going to do any favours if anything it might make you feel worse.
However if you do want to change your life do it for you and no one else it will be easier doing it for you rather than doing it for someone else. But remember you are perfect the way you are you don't need to change what you look like, to whoever reads this I hope you have a nice day and a great end to your week and if you want eat that sweet treat that's sitting in your fridge go and eat it, it will only stay there tempting you, and for people who don't eat sweet treats but prefer to exercise go for the run or to the gym don't let anybody stop you who cares if you're overweight if you're too slim live your life the way you want to don't let anyone change that and don't let anyones judgments change who you are.
Thank you for reading this blog post I hope one day body shaming is a thing of the past, I'm thankful for anyone who reads this and you are amazing as you are you look great and today is going to be a good day.
Love always Thinking out loud xx :D
However if you do want to change your life do it for you and no one else it will be easier doing it for you rather than doing it for someone else. But remember you are perfect the way you are you don't need to change what you look like, to whoever reads this I hope you have a nice day and a great end to your week and if you want eat that sweet treat that's sitting in your fridge go and eat it, it will only stay there tempting you, and for people who don't eat sweet treats but prefer to exercise go for the run or to the gym don't let anybody stop you who cares if you're overweight if you're too slim live your life the way you want to don't let anyone change that and don't let anyones judgments change who you are.
Thank you for reading this blog post I hope one day body shaming is a thing of the past, I'm thankful for anyone who reads this and you are amazing as you are you look great and today is going to be a good day.
Love always Thinking out loud xx :D