
Mental Health Monday week 14

Hi Thinking out loud here xx :D

This week is catch up week but before we get into it lets start with a little breather. (also I apologise for this not being uploaded on a Monday.)

Three breaths in to start us off. As always if you have any breathing problems, please skip this part and go straight to the catch-up.

First deep breath in through your nose and hold for five 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and out through your mouth and hold for three 1, 2, 3.

Second breath in through your nose hold for five 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and out through your nose and hold for three 1, 2, 3.

Third and final breath in through your nose hold for five 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and out through your mouth hold this last one for five 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

What a week, I have to say now heading into the second week of iso isn’t so bad (I will do a full blog post this Thursday.) Mentally I am doing better than I think I thought I would have I haven’t gone so into my own thoughts as much as I thought I would. I think though knowing that I’m not in iso for long is helping, physically as well I’m doing good I am speaking to my family every day sometimes multiple times a day, so that helps a lot.

 It can seem daunting the prospect of having two weeks of no physical contact with another person or even living being, two weeks of just you on your own is an experience, it tests you a lot, I think were we able to leave it would be different, you then at least could have a sense of normality, a sense of not being just physically or mentally isolated. I think that is the one thing though that can be hard for some people is you aren’t just physically isolated from those you want to see but mentally as well. It takes a lot to get your head around being in the same country, and or city but not being able to see family or friends unless it’s through a screen on a video call is hard, and it does take a lot to get your head around. Also not knowing where you are going to end up once you land plays a massive part in the whole mentality of isolation it’s ok being told you have to do two-week mandatory isolation longer if you get covid. You don’t find out until you land in your destination country where that two weeks will be spent. I think were this to happen again from a mental viewpoint knowing at least which city you will end up in would help with mentally preparing for what you will expect. Then knowing that you aren’t going to the city you are hoping for and knowing you have a longer travel time mentally would help. 

I think it’s safe to say as well that all plans I had made to do for myself, can safely be said went out of the window when I landed, getting my head around that has been interesting as much as now I wish I had done everything I had planned I needed that time to not do anything. I think my mind needed it to rest and get back on to NZ time. Being away from home for going on nearly a year takes it’s toll and having these two weeks that I haven’t had before when returning home has made me reflect, sit and think, some days about nothing and somedays about everything. Also taking the time to not feel like I have to be constantly writing to make it look like I'm doing something (The pressure for writing always comes from myself and no one else. My brain makes me think that if anyone is around me and doesn’t see me writing then they will think why am I not writing, I should and have to be writing.) I think though it took that long to get used to iso, now seeing army guys randomly walking around or dropping off food seems normal (more of that to come on Thursday.)

As much as this week has been interesting, it’s been good, and I think needed, I hope this wee has been kind to all of you. Hopefully, no isolation for any of you, if you are then we are in this together, comment below what you have been up to, let me know how the outside world is coping.

Thank you as always for reading it means a lot and I hope you have a lovely week ahead, see you back here on Thursday. 

Love always Thinking out loud xx :D