Over the years I've lost people and gained people, I've managed to make a variety of friendships some that we can go months on end with out talking but when we do eventually talk it's like we talked just the other day like no time had passed at all. And even though I live halfway around the world from some of them it's like I still lived down the road or just in the next town, even though to see them in person I'd have to take two or three aeroplanes.
It's funny because people we love the most can seem so close yet they live so far away yet we can use Skype and Facetime and it instantly feels like you're in the same room if you both have the exact same drink or food that makes the experience that bit more real. As for loved ones I can no longer see I just need to see a photo or remember something funny and it's like I could turn around and talk to them about it. But then there's those times you wish you were able to Skype or Face Time a loved one it's only when they are no longer around you realise how special the times you did were.
It makes you think about the times you had with your loved ones it gets you thinking gets you reflecting. For me some of those times are sad but mostly happy it makes me wonder what would we do
now if they were still around it also makes me wonder if we would Skype more if we knew what the future had in store.
now if they were still around it also makes me wonder if we would Skype more if we knew what the future had in store.
As much as I've found it hard over the years I've learnt to live with whatever has been going on I've learnt that loved ones are always around in their own little way whether it be a white feather, the smell of smoke or something else they're never too far away. When I was younger the thought of them still being around scared me but as I've got older I've realised that I find I comforting as I can talk out loud when no one is around and its like I'm still able to talk to someone other than myself. It makes coping with the loss of a loved one less painful in away not that the pain will ever be easy as I know it won't be I know how long it can take for it to feel less but it doesn't completely go away.
I've seen the way it can change peoples lives the pain of losing a loved one, but then I've also seen the way a friendship can somewhat help I've seen and felt what a friendship is like when you've lost someone and by crikey when you need it it's great its
great to know you have at least someone there on a down day.
great to know you have at least someone there on a down day.
And although the loved ones you had will never be replaced in any way shape or form the people who are new into your life will at least make the gap a little smaller, not replacing the person or people. But it just means you get more memories and more laughs however hard it maybe whether it's a new friendship and old one or a loved one no one is ever going to be too far away. And if they do feel far away there technology to help them stop feeling far away or if they are no longer around you have memories to look back on
This was just a little ramble on loved one and friendships I was having a bit of a reflecting day and it just got me thinking about some things although I had started writing this post last year some events had made me think about it and I felt like now was the perfect time to finish it and post it.
This was just a little ramble on loved one and friendships I was having a bit of a reflecting day and it just got me thinking about some things although I had started writing this post last year some events had made me think about it and I felt like now was the perfect time to finish it and post it.
On a side note I hope this helps anyone who has lost a loved one whether it was recent or not and if you have friends they will be there for you trust me, I know friends will always have your back covered when you need them unless of course they are half way around the world but there's always a way around that.
Hope you liked this post
love always.
Thinking out loud xx :D