
Self Careathon Squad

Hi Thinking out loud here :D 

Today's #blurtselfcrethon day 14 prompt is squad.

We all have ’celebrity’ squad goals but what about the ones we already have, the people we care about and love for me that's the only squad I need, I honestly think I have the best friends, we may not see each other half as much as we used to bit when we can it's like we'd never been way it's so easy to pick up from where we left. 

They are always there and you know they'll have your back when you need them, that for me means more than any squad I could dream of and for that I love my squad I've known some of them for eleven years some nogcso long but if feels like I've known them for a life time, and that to me is something that is pretty special to have in a squad. 

Just a short post tonight, thank you for reading hope you have a lovely day/night.

Love always Thinking out loud xx :D 

Self Careathon Doodle

Hi Thinking out loud here:D

Today’s #blurtselfcareathon day 13 prompt is doodle

I’m pretty sure I am right in saying we all love to doodle, it doesn’t matter how good or bad it is, in all honesty, a doodle doesn’t have to be amazing it can be lines on a page or full of detail. It can be something that helps you think before you start doing something or it can simply be something that relaxes you. 
For me it’s both I doodle when I’m struggling for ideas to write it frees my mind without me noticing, though at the same time it helps me think, sometimes it’s deep thoughts where I can be anywhere but the room I’m sat in, it can be random thoughts that over a couple of minutes doodling turn into ideas for my characters. I also find it relaxing in times when writing does get too much it helps calm my mind those times I’m able to think of nothing but the creation I’m making with my doodle.

When I was at school it was something I did not because I wasn’t paying attention or because I was bored (I may have been but I think that was just how we got taught,) it helped me listen it helped me think about what we were doing or what we were going to be doing. It was something that genuinely helped make me focused and concentrated on what I was learning, there were times when I’d forget to listen but those were the times doodles needed to take over.

It’s amazing how when the brain is so focused on something it’s still working on other things like subconsciously thinking about what you maybe are meant to be doing, or calming you in away something different wouldn’t be able to. It’s something that we all do and all need to do.
 I used to get told off for not paying attention because of my doodling when in actual fact I was able to pay more attention because of the doodle. I guess what I’m trying to say is if anyone tells you to stop doodling don’t it helps, it helps calm and keep the brain focused plus it’s something fun to do and lets you be as creative as you want to be. If it is that little line or detailed do a doodle today give your brain a rest, let your mind drift. 
As much as we need time off so do our brains and doodling is a pretty good way of giving them a good rest for a little bit.

As always thanks for reading happy doodling and hope you all have a lovely day

Love always Thinking out loud xx :D


Self Careathon Animals

Hi, Thinking out loud here :D

The #blurtselfcareathon day 12 prompt is animals.

Animal love 
By Freya Anastasia Hatfield 

The fluffy cuddles,
The gentle touch,
The outpouring love,
are just some things to help us through the hard days.

Knowing they’ll be there
always ready for a snuggle. 
No judging of how you look,
what you wear
or even what your house looks like. 
These are the things that let you know they care.

They keep you warm on a cold night,
They comfort you when the day feels gray.
They love you for who you are, not because of what you may have gone through.

They’re companions, best friends and part of the family.
They come in different sizes, shapes and species,
them being different doesn’t change how we feel about them.
They are there for us as we are for them,
We have bonds that mean no end
They are animals. 

Thank you for reading, hope you all have a lovely day.

Love always, Thinking out loud xx :D

Self Careathon Encourage

Hi Thinking out loud here :D

Sorry I missed two days of #blurtselfcareathon, I will try and incorporate day 9 and 10 in with today’s blog, day 9 prompt was lemons day 10 was laugh and today’s prompt is encourage. 

By Freya Anastasia Hatfield 

He found it hard on his own,
though when his friends were there anything was possible.
It took time, it took encouragement, it took blood sweat and tears, love and a lot of laughter.
Along with life’s bitter sweet moments 
Like the first bite of a lemon,
But he soon found what was once impossible on his own
Became possible with a little bit of encouragement. 

Thank yo for reading hope you all have a lovely day I will be back tomorrow for day 12

Love always Thinking out loud xx :D


Self Careathon Re-charge

Hi Thinking out loud here :D

Today’s prompt for day 8 #blurtselfcareathon is Re-charge.

By Freya Anastasia Hatfield 

The body over time gets tired,
with a little sleep and a little rest, 
It recharges ready to face whatever happens next. 
It takes some time but it’s worth the wait,
as the body re-charges ready for another day.
Just be patient you will see, your recharged body at the best, it’s ever been! 

Just a quick like poem today as always thank you for reading hope you have a lovely day.

Love always Thinking our loud xx :D 

Self Careathon Learn

Hi Thinking out loud here :D 

Today’s prompt for #blurtselfcareathon is Learn 

It takes a lot to learn how to truly look after yourself, to truly know the meaning of taking time out for yourself and not caring what anyone says. Part of being healthy is taking some time out of your day, week or month to take time for you whether it be doing a hobby, spending time with loved ones or taking a bath, taking time to relax to destress or simply just to feel like you are doing something for you.

Learning that being a little bit selfish is ok, I’m not saying forget being polite and considerate, the little bit of selfish that’s ok is making sometime for yourself it’s saying no when you need to, it’s not taking on more when you already feel like you have a marathon to run. it’s knowing when to take a breather before you get forced to take a breather. 
It’s finding the balance of being able to be busy but also being able to be free and unwind from the busy world around you. 

This is how I see it I see learning how to be a little bit selfish as a great thing. We all need a little bit of me time, I see taking a break and saying no as putting yourself first when maybe you put everyone before you! It’s learning that you can’t always be super-mum, super-dad, super-friend ect all the time. It’s learning that it might be hard but stepping back and lifting some of the load might be what you need to do more. We’re all young for a short time and in that time we need to learn what we are capable of and what we need to learn to do less of and when to take a break we need to learn that caring for others and ourselves needs to start with you. 

As always thank you for reading I will be back tomorrow (today) with day eight

Love always thinking out loud xx :D