Hi Thinking out loud here:D
Today’s #blurtselfcareathon day 13 prompt is doodle
I’m pretty sure I am right in saying we all love to doodle, it doesn’t matter how good or bad it is, in all honesty, a doodle doesn’t have to be amazing it can be lines on a page or full of detail. It can be something that helps you think before you start doing something or it can simply be something that relaxes you.
For me it’s both I doodle when I’m struggling for ideas to write it frees my mind without me noticing, though at the same time it helps me think, sometimes it’s deep thoughts where I can be anywhere but the room I’m sat in, it can be random thoughts that over a couple of minutes doodling turn into ideas for my characters. I also find it relaxing in times when writing does get too much it helps calm my mind those times I’m able to think of nothing but the creation I’m making with my doodle.
When I was at school it was something I did not because I wasn’t paying attention or because I was bored (I may have been but I think that was just how we got taught,) it helped me listen it helped me think about what we were doing or what we were going to be doing. It was something that genuinely helped make me focused and concentrated on what I was learning, there were times when I’d forget to listen but those were the times doodles needed to take over.
It’s amazing how when the brain is so focused on something it’s still working on other things like subconsciously thinking about what you maybe are meant to be doing, or calming you in away something different wouldn’t be able to. It’s something that we all do and all need to do.
I used to get told off for not paying attention because of my doodling when in actual fact I was able to pay more attention because of the doodle. I guess what I’m trying to say is if anyone tells you to stop doodling don’t it helps, it helps calm and keep the brain focused plus it’s something fun to do and lets you be as creative as you want to be. If it is that little line or detailed do a doodle today give your brain a rest, let your mind drift.
As much as we need time off so do our brains and doodling is a pretty good way of giving them a good rest for a little bit.
As always thanks for reading happy doodling and hope you all have a lovely day
Love always Thinking out loud xx :D
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