Hi Thinking out loud here :D
For this blog post, you may want to grab yourself a mug of your favourite drink and a snack, I may have got a little carried away with writing :D
Sorry I haven't uploaded for a couple of days, I will try and incorporate what I was going to upload on the previous days into this bog so it will be in three parts starting with Wednesday's day 18 prompt which was Social, Thursday's day 19 prompt was Funny Memory, and finally today's #blurtselfcareathon day 20 prompt which is Letter.
First part Social.
The act of being social
By Freya Anastasia Hatfield
It's easy to forget about being social
it's easy to get so into life, that everything else gets forgotten
or left behind.
The time seems to escape, days go by turning in to weeks,
then it's been months since you could have seen someone,
other than the people you see day to day.
Whether they be family, work colleagues or close friends,
It could have been months since you've been social and gone out with them.
Or even messaged friends.
We get so caught up in the rat race,
that we forget about those around us, as much as we forget about ourselves.
It's easy to get out of being social,
we get comfortable,
we get used to what we know
and too scared to step outside of the comfort for fear of what might happen.
But what if we did step out,
what if it was ok,
nothing is going to happen
apart from being social,
being apart of other peoples lives,
being apart of our own,
only with the people we love
and not getting caught up in,
or loosing out on being social because life got in the way.
Second part Funny Memory
Throughout my twenty-two years I have had a lot of funny memories from getting wet in the sea and not being prepared on countless times, from family holidays to holidays with friends, I'm sure I'm bound to make many more but there is one memory that seems to always make me have a good giggle.
this memory stands out for many reasons but the bit that gets me is closer to the end, I remember this memory as if it's just happened. Lets set it up, my friend and I were about fifteen maybe fourteen we had spent the day together, eating lollies and drinking v energy drink I think we had got through either four or six, not the best combo but back then that was our thing I think we had even been crazy enough to walk in the sea bare in mind it was winter. We'd been around town, gone to the shops for our supplies. We were making our way back to my friend's house, this is when the memory begins though, the whole day is a fun memory.
We're on the main road up from the beach (then, we both lived in a seaside town,) like teenagers do we were chatting and looking down at the ground, we saw a wallet so spent some time deciding who would pick it up as neither of us our fingerprints on it as our thought process was we didn't want someone to think we had stolen it, so I said lets put our things into one bag and use the other bag to pick it up, so we did.
we were a minute if that away from the police station to hand it in. we were then left with another cunundrum who was going to talk to the police man we handed the wallet to, as you can probably guess niether of us wanted to talk, (still no idea why but there you go,) I ended up talking (this is for me the part of the funny memory,) the pollice officer asks us were we found the wallet so my frined says we're we picked it up, he then asks if there was anything in the wallet but because we didn't want fingerprints on it we hadn't looked so had no idea.
After looking through it he then needed details from on of us which niether of us wanted to do, so I gave my details though I started to give him the wrong number (my old english home phone, I hadn't used in about five years at that point,) so my friends like thats, not your number and I'm like ow that my old one, gave him my actual home number, then he needed my birthday which I somehow also forgot so both me and my friends were stood counting out the months before we got to mine, I know it probably didn't look good at the time but it's a memory that has stuck with me and makes me giggle ever now and again. I remember it on days when I need a giggle, we also bring it up sometimes and confuse people when we're like, "remember that time when we went to police station," and we give no explanation.
Third part Letter.
If I could write a letter to my younger self this is what I think I would say.
Dear younger Freya,
The future for you looks ambitious but you will get to where you want to be, you're not there yet, at the age of twenty-two, but I feel you aren't far away from reaching your dreams, at least some of them, some will take time. you don't yet know what your dream is at what age you are, you may still be headstrong about working with animals or you may now have moved on to music. Either way, both those dreams lead you onto writing, one reason though is because of a teacher you will know what I mean when I say thank your teacher for that first line.The times you keep going back to writing also help in leading you into writing, also a friend keeps saying maybe you'll write listen to her you could reach this dream sooner.
You start out with songs, then beginning of stories, then you start a blog keep working at it, it helps, then finally you start writing your first book that turns into a trilogy, its hard but you love it, you continue with ideas some you loose remember to write them down all those ideas are possible books.
Be kind to yourself, don't put so much pressure on yourself, if you're still at school ignore some people, trust me don't let what they say affect you when you're older you are stronger than what they say. There is one person you shouldn't ignore, trust your instincts they are right, trust me this person is amazing.
You have amazing friends who you still have now only you are more spread out and don't see each other nearly half, as much as you did at school, thats part of growing up. You, however, start the moving away, you definitely don't expect it to be you, you do this by spending eight amazing months in Austrailia, part of this will be hard for more than one reason, that you will find ou but you make memories and grow more than you think you will.
Now we come to being twenty-two nearly twenty-three, you still have so much to figure out and so much uplanned and so much you yet don't know about as I don't either, but I do know this you are smart not neccissarily A* smart but you have written a rap about that and know it's ok not being A*, at this point of your life you are happy you are coming up to the end of your second book and starting your third you are looking for an agent and a publisher, keep at it we will get there. Just be strong be like the child you once were who was always in her imagination but who wasn't scared, you are stronger than you think you just need to believe in yourself, there are a lot of people who believe in you, you just need to do the same.
Finally have fun, be young, be a twenty two year old you have time to be young so do it, travel see the world don't let anything hold you back, let your writing take you where you want to go, at this point in life you've been to Austrailia there is still so much of the world to see.
Don't fogret be kind, be happy, love, and be kind to yourself you've got this
love twenty two year old Freya xxxx
P.S. the world is starting to realise that it is changing that we as humans are apart of the change and it doesn't look good if you can starting changing before it becomes necessary, there are some crazy people in this world, trust that things will change, it's already starting to change slowly and hopefully one day for the better.
That concludes what will possibly be the longest blog I ever do, if you have made it this far thank you so much for reading I hoep you have a lovely day and a lovely weeked, I'm not sure if there will be a blog post this weekend, if there isn't hope you all have fu if there is a post then forget this part :D
Love always Thinking out loud xx :D