
Number and Letters

By Freya Anastasia Hatfield

I sometimes mix up my numbers and letter

A capital A turns into a 4 

B’s turn into 8’s and E’s turn into 3’s

I sometimes confuse my p&q for 9’s maybe even g’s

My T’s turn into 7’s even O becomes a 0 

2’s and 5’s can be an S or Z 

A lower case b becomes a 6 

On the rare occasion, even a 7 can be an L or a lower case l turns into a 1

A capital I can trick my brain and turn into 1

The strangest though is when I say 9 instead of n.

It doesn’t often happen maybe once in a while

when it does, please don’t rush or laugh at me help me 

give me time to correct myself 

I often realise my mistake when I say it a couple of times

I often say out loud 4 when I mean to say A 

I don’t know if it has a name, but I do know I’m not alone

In confusing my numbers and letter that look the same.

It can be down to how it’s written or my brain can be having an off day

I don’t know why or how it happens but all I have to say

Is sometimes on the rare occasion I mix my numbers and letters that look the same.

S0 1f y0u h4v3 7h3 54m3 pr0613m 4s m3, d09’t w0rry y0u’r3 9ot 41on3, i7’s r3411y 9ui73 fu9 wri7in9 1n num63rs 4nd l3773rs wh3n y0u kn0w wh1ch 0n3s l00k 7h3 s4m3.

If you can read what it says above you have an amazing brain 

don’t worry if you can’t I’ll repeat it for those who struggle to understand letters with numbers

though it’s probably fair to say you don’t have the same problem as me

So if you have the same problem as me, don’t worry, you’re not alone, it’s really quite fun writing in numbers and letters when you know which ones look the same.

It’s not dyslexia, and it’s not dyscalculia I think it’s something in between 

Perhaps it’s unknown or doesn’t have a name 

I suppose I’ll just keep on mixing up my numbers and letters

It doesn’t need a name; I quite like not knowing as I know others have the same  

So I’m a writer who confuses numbers and letters when I say them out loud

I know I’m not going insane or the only one, 

I just have a brain that sometimes likes to have some fun.