
NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)


Hi Thinking out loud here xx :D

This week we are talking NaNoWriMo national novel writing month (though it happens worldwide.) this is for anyone who is maybe new to NaNoWriMo and maybe want to find out what it’s like from someone who has been doing it now for a few years. I haven’t been asked by anyone at NaNoWriMo to do this blog post; this is just something I have wanted to do and give my thoughts on it and my tips on what to do and how to prepare with it beginning this Sunday.

Every November writers all over the world come together to either finish a project, start a new one, or see what happens with any of their writing throughout the month. It’s a little challenge, a whole lot of fun and a lot of words, so why not join in. If you are new to NaNoWriMo that is fine, a lot of the time even I wing it with what I’m writing. This year will be no different. So what does NaNoWriMo mean? It is quite simply National Novel Writing Month an entire month to focus on writing, whenever you can write and however you choose to write the aim is to write at least 50,000 words, you can write more and of course, don’t beat yourself up if 50,000 words is a little out of your writing reach, any amount of writing during November should be taken as a win. You can start a new project or finish one you have previously started but never got round to finishing, so why not within the last few days of October sign up and get your NaNoWriMo project ready.

Since joining NaNoWriMo back in 2018, I have started and completed four novels, all of which now are going through edits and being sent to varies literary agents. I haven’t done only the November months as this will be my third November writing month, I have done one Camp NaNoWriMo April and one Camp NaNoWriMo July all of which have helped make me grow and learn as a writer, they tested me, improved how I write and taught me not to give up when it gets a little hard, there have been long and late nights. Still, I keep coming back for more, so please join me along with many more writers as we venture into what hopefully will be time well spent, and the completion of past work, new works and works we yet don’t know what will be. 

On social media use the hashtags #nanowrimo2020 #NaNoWriMo #writersofinsta #amwriting #WritingCommunity #writer #WritersCommunity #writersofig #writing let people know, earn badges, write a novel and maybe meet some more writers along the way. 

As always thank you for reading this post and look forward to meeting new, old and in-between writers this NaNoWriMo

Love always Thinking out loud xx :D


Mental Health Monday week 9

Hi Thinking out loud here xx :D

As every week grab a drink and a snack and like always drink responsibly, and snack responsibly take this time for you, find a comfy seat, put your feet up and let your breath guide you through this post. It seems I like to do a few deep breaths at the beginning of Mental Health Mondays so this week is no different. If you have any breathing problems please and I can not stress this enough, please skip this bit of Mental Health Mondays. The aim is to find calmness and stillness within ourselves and not to injure so; please do what calms you before starting this blog.

Lets take three deep breaths in and out, take a deep breath all the way in through your nose, and hold for three seconds,1, 2, 3, and all the way out, through your mouth and hold for two seconds, 1, 2. Two more to go, take a deep breath in all the way through your nose and hold for three seconds, 1, 2, 3, and out all the way through your mouth and hold for two seconds, 1, 2. The final one in all the way through your nose and hold for five seconds, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and out all the way through your mouth and hold for three seconds, 1, 2, 3, now you can find your regular breathing pattern and breath as normal having let any stresses of the day go.

This week is number nine, still finding it mad that I have come back every Monday for nine weeks, this one is for anyone who has a period. Also if you don't have a period, but you are with someone who does and you want a little insight into why they might be the way they are at that time of the month, please feel free to read, as you being as understanding as you can really help. I also need to add here I know there are ways of missing periods, ways of not having them and complications that can come with them, but this is purely for periods.

Lets talk periods, shark week, aunt flow, the big red. Whatever you call it, once a month for four to seven days (sometimes longer sometimes shorter and sometimes it is missed.) Your period comes around, and my gosh does the mind know it. Not every period is the same, so this means your mood is never going to be the same. One period you can feel on top of the world the next one you can feel like the world is ending and why do you have to be the one going through this. As much as I don't like to admit it to myself my mood does change with my period, not always but when it does I can be the worst person to be around, and don't my family know it. I often become extremely sensitive the week before; anything said that could be taken the wrong way will be, and I am close to being in tears. The week during a period can be varied as periods go on, you do become more aware of these changes compared to the early years. Having said that it can still be unexpected the sudden changes in your mood, you go from being completely ok one day to the next not being ok. It's all because your body is getting ready for something that at that moment in your life you aren't ready to do which is having a baby, you have all the hormones, all these physical changes happening in your body, that when it comes time your body then has to get rid of what it has over the time since your last period been getting ready for. Your body thinks it's going to be growing another human; it's what it naturally wants to do. But this as I've said brings a whole load of emotions.

The emotions, and therefore mood swings, changes and varies greatly, it can for not only the person going through them but for those around us be a bit like being on a rollercoaster. This meaning periods don't only affect the body, physically, but also mentally and emotionally it can be exhausting, painful, and dare I say at times unwanted. But all is not lost, there are ways to help, ways to combat and ways to prepare for the week leading up to the period the week during and the week after when yes hormones are going back to being well a little less tetchy and making us feel a little more how we want to be honestly all of the time.

During the week before its good to maybe take a wide birth of someone who is about to be on their period, Partners, spouses and families pay attention here, under all circumstances, don't bother speaking unless it is helpful if the person happens to do something wrong or something they don't usually do let this go, during this week that thing doesn't matter if you want to save yourself from what you are about to unleash, keep your mouth shut. You can though be helpful supply heat packs if needed those cramps are going to be painful, when they hit, supply chocolate, this one is a good one, dark chocolate is best it genuinely helps seriously it helps, maybe not the whole bar in one sitting if its a big bar but a few pieces are good. Above everything remember we don't hate you, it's not you, it's our bodies, hold on and remember it's only going to get more intense next week so good luck.

For those of us going through this week before the period remember not every man and his dog is against you or trying to make you feel mad, upset and every other emotion, don't take what is happening to your body out on them. Remember to breathe, take time out when you need it and do something that helps you relax, take that statement that your partner, spouse or family member has said with a pinch of salt, but at all costs don't blame them. It's not their fault, help them understand and let them know what they can do to help.
Now the week of the period, remember before when I said don't say anything during the first week, this week you are going to feel like you are walking on eggshells; any little thing can set us off, so you've been warned period week you can give any interaction a miss. On the odd period though where it's actually a good one feel free to talk and interact with us; these do happen as infrequently as they do and they are appreciated more so when we have a bad period week.
For those of us going through the period, it can be tough, our minds can be all over the place, and we can also be going through some pain, our bodies are now getting rid of everything it's built up in the beginning of the cycle, you are more on edge, and of course, you have blood coming out of you, your mood is most likely not the best but please don't be hard on yourself, take time each day if you need to for you, collect yourself, have a talk to yourself and relax, take any pain relief if needed, a bath if it helps and maybe even some early nights. Know that these mood changes soon will change, and you can get yourself ready and prepared for their next arrival. Take this week to let your body do what it needs to do, take the moods and the changes, as a gift, it doesn't need to feel like a struggle, they can be enjoyed, and they can be nice experiences. We have to be though first aware of those changes acknowledge them and understand what our bodies are going though likewise with those around us who are walking on eggshells, we need to let them know that it's ok and that we don't mean to act the way we are its just something that we can't control.

The week after the period our moods are at the start of going back to what we would love it to be like all the time, our body is and mind are going back to their none period normal, we are less tetchy and becoming a human, we want to be around, and other people want to be around. The mood changes are going; we are feeling happier, less stressed and less like we want to cry or scream at someone for what they have said. For those of us who have witnessed the beginning, the middle and now the end of the period you can start to breathe again, you can start saying things that you maybe had to change how you said them during the previous two weeks or so. The next cycle is now beginning so use this time to prepare yourself for the next period and the next lot of mood changes have everything you might need on hand and remember they don't last. We can now also stop stressing about have we leaked, have we got a massive red spot on our butts or where we have been sitting, does anyone around me know I'm on my period, can they tell. Do I need to take a spare pad, tampon, pants, clothes with me just in case. Is this little bag going to fit everything I need in this bag too big will people know, I have period products in there. We can now let those stress go, those thoughts go for at least another few weeks. Let the mental overload take a bit of a break before the next lot of thoughts pop up.

I realise not everyone's periods are plain and simple, easy, pain-free, light. A lot of the time they are heavier, or lighter than normal, missed entirely, or last longer, if this does happen, please see a health professional, see your doctor, know your normal and know what isn't normal for, everybody is different everybody's periods are different, we all vary in how it affects our moods and therefore the way we think and handle a situation. But knowing when something isn't your normal means you can sort it out, this shouldn't be something you don't feel comfortable talking about as it becomes dangerous when it isn't spoken about. It's bad for our health and for our bodies, the more we leave things untreated, so please go to a doctor if your period changes, and you are unsure as to why. They do change with stress, with weight gain or loss but if there are reasons that you don't know why get it checked out. Above all be kind to yourself, loved one, friend family member whoever it is whose having the period we've just got to let our bodies do what it's doing and please dont for the love of life saying something dumb to someone who had blood coming out of their body, and who is about to break at any moment, hug them and save your dumb comment for at least another week.

Thank you for reading this blog post, I hope you found it light not too intense and I hope you understand what people with periods go through mental, physically and emotionally. It's not always easy, but we do try our best to hide it, it isn't always painful but again when it is we try our best to hide it, and it's definitely not always fun, but again we try our best to hide it. please know that periods aren't always bad, some are easier than others, but like everything, we roll with it and can't wait for the last day to arrive. I know being able to have periods can be seen as a blessing and I really mean it when I say this I feel for those of us who can't and don't have periods, who have heavy periods, who have lighter periods to the point where it's nearly none existent, to those two have unbearably painful periods, if feel for you and understand how hard it is but know you are not alone, and you shouldn't feel alone, please speak out if you do your health is important, and there are more people than you realise going through this.

Thank you again, for reading I hope you have a lovely day, sorry this is another long post if you made it this far here is your medal 🥇

Love always Thinking out loud xx :D