Today is a blog post dedicated to my parents who celebrated their thirtieth wedding anniversary on Tuesday, with a little poem at the end hope you enjoy.
I find it amazing that they have reached this milestone it's something I feel a lot of couples don't get to, thirty years feels like a long time and it really is a long time, with in that time there has been ups and downs but mostly ups. They've made a family and made their own lives together that includes moving halfway around the world. Making a bit of better life so my brother and I didn't grow up with everything that was starting to happen around us in England, (don't get me wrong no country is perfect but England wasn't what it used to be when we left.)
My parents had risked everything with moving as we'd never previously been to NZ for that everyone thought we were crazy and maybe we were but ten years on and we are still here.Within the thirty years of marriage my parents have gone through a lot from getting jobs to leaving jobs to starting something totally new, from living with loved ones to loosing loved ones, of course none of this comes without its challenges, but through it all they've always shown love, friendship and trust, they've shown that a relationship can last a long time, they've shown that no matter what anything is possible. To me they are what a couple should be, they work together to keep a family going after all these years not only a family but a marriage a promise they made to each other thirty years ago a promise that they both stand by and show that they made that promise to each other and that they meant it then and they mean it now.
They show to my brother and I that time can get hard, life can be hard, a marriage can be hard but no matter what they stick together and they become stronger it's like they are two halfs of a heart when they are together the heart beats when they are apart they get by but they need the other half to fully survive.
Wedding Anniversary
Today you share your special day,
you are two halfs of a heart that have found each other
you tick instinctively
and beat as one.
Thirty years some would say is a death wish
others would say a miracle,
I would say it's an inspiration,
but today it's about you two.
Two people who are special and dear,
two people who have shown a love like no other,
a couple who love and are loved.
Yours is a marriage that means no end.
Thirty years is a milestone waiting to be met,
congratulations on meeting this milestone,
you are both pearls and the real deal.
Thirty years means you've seen a lot but there is more to be seen,
together you are stronger.
happy 30th wedding anniversary!
may you have a day as special as you two,
take in every moment and memory through out the next thirty years,
as if it is like the first time you are meeting.
To love, Family and a lifetime of memories
love you both always,
Kipper xx
Love always Thinking out loud xx :D
p.s sorry it's a day late xx