Thank you
By Freya Anastasia Hatfield
They risk their lives, and they risk their days,
they work tirelessly as we stay safe,
they work past clock of time and miss their breaks.
For goodness sake, the least we can do is stay in our homes,
they risk the lives of their loved ones just to save yours,
if you’d stayed indoors and not gone out, they’d be sleeping safe tonight.
You met up with friends again, you took your little kids for a play,
you didn’t know it, but you are a carrier. You didn’t show symptoms, but your kid did.
That cough they did was dry, they covered their mouth, but then high fived their friend,
their friend just ran to their mummy. Now their mummy has it, she goes home and doesn’t realise it.
She goes to her elderly neighbour to see if they are ok. They were, but she just gave them coronavirus, without even knowing.
They risk their lives, and they risk their days,
they work tirelessly as we stay safe,
they work past clock of time and miss their breaks.
For goodness sake, the least we can do is stay in our homes,
they risk the lives of their loved ones just to save yours,
if you’d stayed indoors and not gone out, they’d be sleeping safe tonight.
You say you won’t belong, you’re just popping out, grabbing a coffee, you’re just having a chat.
You were gone half the day, you didn’t know it, but you caught it when you went out,
you hug your family they have it now. You’ve spread it to your child,
your child has breathing problems already if you’re lucky you can get them to a hospital
if not, you’d best prepare to not see them again.
You should have stayed in
that coffee and chat could have waited, your child’s health won’t wait, it will deteriorate.
They risk their lives, and they risk their days,
they work tirelessly as we stay safe,
they work past clock of time and miss their breaks.
For goodness sake, the least we can do is stay in our homes,
they risk the lives of their loved ones just to save yours,
if you’d stayed indoors and not gone out, they’d be sleeping safe tonight.
You stayed indoors, you stayed safe, you kept your family safe,
you didn’t need to go out, your child is happy and sleeping safe tonight,
you didn’t catch it, you did as you were asked.
It was tricky, your kids were getting restless, but you ran around the house,
you burned off their energy, they are now silent and asleep in bed.
They have you nearby and you have them, they aren’t thinking where you’ve gone
nor you with them, you kept you safe you kept them safe.
You helped the hospitals, nurses, doctors on-call staff
you did as you were asked.
They risk their lives, and they risk their days,
they work tirelessly as we stay safe,
they work past clock of time and miss their breaks.
For goodness sake, the least we can do is stay in our homes,
they risk the lives of their loved ones just to save yours,
if you’d stayed indoors and not gone out, they’d be sleeping safe tonight.
Thank you for what you are doing, thank you for taking the time to look after us,
Thank you for missing yet another break,
Thank you for working yet another shift that turned into a double shift,
Thank you for risking your life, thank you for not being at home for your child’s birthday,
Thank you for missing your own children’s milestones so we can help you risk your life to safe ours,
Thank you for not going home to bed when all you want to do it sleep,
Thank you for being an essential worker,
Thank you for working on minimum pay, you should be getting more,
Thank you for just being able to get by,
Thank you, because while you are working, we are able to be safe we are able to be home
without you, and without your care those of us who need you not through stupidity, or through reckless behaviour,
but those of us who desperately need you have you because you care because without you nobody would be there,
because of you, we have health systems because of that, thank you for risking your lives so you can save ours.
Little endnote
Thank you to every essential work, especially to those working in hospitals around the world, who genuinely are risking their own lives to save ours, you deserve so much more than what you get. I hope that once this is over every government realises just how much their health care workers are needed without any of you the number of lives that have been saved wouldn’t be nearly as many as it is so for that thank you. Everyone else it really isn’t hard to do, stay inside, keep safe and help keep our beautiful health care workers safe by not going out and risking your life if you don’t need to go out.
Kia Kaha, Kia Maia, Kia Manawa Nui, me te Aroha. Be Strong, Be Brave, Be Steadfast, with love.
Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this love always Thinking out loud xx :D