Embrace Uncertainty
Hi, Thinking Out Loud here :D
Welcome to Mindful Monday, Week 39
Here is the link for this week's playlist. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7fBHCH17bD0tcITwZBIlkH?si=14e98d2e659d48a1
I hope you enjoy listening whilst you read, and I hope you find the music relaxing.
If an ad plays, please stop reading and wait for the playlist to play again. The playlist will be timed for you to read to the end of this blog post, with maybe one song running over after reading.
Get a drink, maybe even a snack, and find a comfy seat so you can relax. Let go of all worries and enjoy the next five deep breaths. Please prepare for the first breath in by breathing out.
Now time for your first deep breath; take one deep breath in through your nose for five 1..2..3..4..5.. Hold for 1..2.. Breathe out through your mouth for five 1..2..3..4..5.. Hold for 1... Breathe in for five 1..2..3..4..5.. Hold for 1..2.. And out for five 1..2..3..4..5.. Hold for 1... Breathe in for five 1..2..3..4..5.. Hold for 1..2.. And out for five 1..2..3..4..5.. Hold for 1... Two more to go; breathe in for five 1..2..3..4..5.. Hold for 1..2.. And out for five 1..2..3..4..5.. Hold for 1... Last one, deep breath in for five 1..2..3..4..5.. Hold for 1..2.. And out for five 1..2..3..4..5.. Hold for 1... Now go back to your regular breathing pattern. I hope you feel calm and relaxed.
Embrace Uncertainty
By Freya A Hatfield
Take a deep breath in and let go of what feels like home and feels safe,
Let go of the feeling of comfort, that envelopes you like a warm blanket,
Embrace uncertainty and everything new that comes along with it.
Change can be scary, but so can staying still,
Imagine what you could do with what is unknown to you,
Embrace it, enjoy it, and know that you don’t have to do things alone.
Uncertainty could be a new job, buying a house, a car, a change in lifestyle,
What is uncertain today, tomorrow it could feel like you’ve been doing it your whole life.
Take the leap that you’ve been wanting to take, whether it’s eyes closed or wide open,
Embrace not knowing where you will land, but know that it could be the best thing you do.
Take a deep breath in and trust in yourself that what you do next is right for you,
Live for yourself and no one else, and give yourself the life you’ve dreamed of.
Embrace uncertainty the way you trust that the sun will always rise in the morning,
And the moon in all of its phases will rise at night,
Embrace uncertainty like you accept the years that have flown by,
Embrace what you can't yet see, but can feel in your heart and trust will happen,
Embrace it with every bone and muscle in your body and don’t stop holding on to hope,
Hope that one day what you are uncertain about you will one day be certain about,
Certain that you made the right choice for you.
Embrace uncertainty like the sea embraces a stormy day and night,
Embrace uncertainty like a mountaintop that's just had a fresh fall of snow,
Embrace uncertainty like you’ve never embraced anything before,
It might just be the best thing you ever do.
Let's finish with a three-deep breath breather.
Take one deep breath in through your nose for five 1..2..3..4..5.. Hold for 1..2.. Breathe out through your mouth for five 1..2..3..4..5.. Hold for 1... Breathe in for five 1..2..3..4..5.. Hold for 1..2.. And out for five 1..2..3..4..5.. Hold for 1... Final breath in for five 1..2..3..4..5.. Hold for 1..2.. Last breath out for five 1..2..3..4..5.. No hold here; you can now go back to your regular breathing pattern.
As always, thank you for taking the time to read this week's Mindful Monday. I really do appreciate everyone who takes the time to read them and listens to what I have to say.
Love always
Thinking Out Loud xx :D
Embrace what isn’t yet known to you, embrace what scares you the most, embrace all things that are good around you and embrace uncertainty until it becomes the thing you are most certain about in your life.