
Behind closed doors

Hey Thinking out loud here :D

Do you ever wonder what's happening in a house behind closed doors when you're walking or driving past? I do you may think it's weird but I can't help but think what's going on in there when there's no visitors, what's happening, is it a happy home or a sad home, is it quiet or loud, dose everyone feel love or do they feel hate, do we really know what a happy house is. When we say to people yes we live in a happy house are we really telling them the truth or our we trying to cover things up trying to pretended that our reality is better than it is. Or is a happy home one were there is disargrements and fights but at the end of it all everyone makes up and are friends again.

I think this is what most houses are like whether we want to acknowledge it or not, I think a happy house is where the family dose fight and argue but where they also love each other and their stronger when there together. I think a happy house is where the flowers aren't always the brightest but they've been loved and looked after I think a happy house is one that isn't the cleanest but yet it still looks warm and inviting. For me It's where you can go to feel safe feel comfort feel love happiness and somewhere you can have fun. I'm lucky to say unlike so many that I live in a happy home at times yes it can feel like it isn't but 99% of the time it's a happy home sure we have disagreements but who doesn't.
I feel privileged that my home is happy I fell privileged that i'm able to say I live in a home that I do have a roof over my head and at times it gets hard but in all honesty i'm happy with what i'm lucky to have I just wish other people were able to say the same if you are less fortunate please no you are not alone hang in there things will start to look up there are people who can help you just no you are not alone.

Love always Thinking out loud xx :D