As every week grab a drink and a snack and like always drink responsibly and snack responsibly take this time for you, find a comfy seat, put your feet up and let your breath guide you through this post, this week seems to be very breath related so please only do what you can and if as I say later in this post, you have any breathing problems please do not do any of the breathing exercises, do what works for you and do what calms you when we come to those parts of this blog. So sit back relax and let's get reading.
Before we get into this weeks blog post like with last weeks I'm going to do another little breathing exercise. So if you have any kind of breathing problems please and I can not stress this enough, please skip this bit of Mental Health Mondays.
Lets take three deep breaths in and out, take a deep breath all the way in through your nose, and hold for three seconds,1, 2, 3, and all the way out, two more through your mouth and hold for two seconds, 1, 2, two more to go breath in all the way through your nose and hold for three seconds, 1, 2, 3, and out all the way through your mouth and hold for two seconds, 1, 2, and the final one in all the way through your nose and hold for five seconds, 1, 2, 3, 4,5, and out all the way through your mouth and hold for three seconds, 1, 2, 3, now you can find your regular breathing pattern and breath as normal having let any stresses of the day go.
Now we can get into this week's Mental Health Monday, first off how is this week 8, I am still amazed that I've kept writing, a massive thank you to anyone who has been reading these posts. This week is of course catch-up week so how is everyone doing? How has this past week been? Anything changed? Anything exciting happening? Anything not exciting but still deserves to be talked about? Whatever it is that you are up to I hope you are having a good time. If at the moment you are struggling I want you to know that this time will pass, as much as it seems like it won't it will, it may take time and a little longer than you want it to but please be patient, if you have help listen to everything that person is telling you if you don't have help but know you need help then please take this as your reminder to go to your local GP, of course taking precautions for covid, but please take the time to get help and to help yourself, you have more to offer than you realise and have and will have in the future people who care about you.
This week for me is feeling good, after a bit of a crazy but good weekend on a little staycation I am feeling ready for the week ahead, I kicked off this morning actually watching one of my all-time favourites Emmet Cahill who did a stage it for his 30th birthday, something that was a little odd for an early Monday morning but in all honesty, I could easily get used to it. For anyone who doesn't know who Emmet is he is an incredible Irish singer who is part of a group called Celtic Thunder if you haven't listened to them or to any of the guys as solo artist then I recommend you do. They are al amazing singers.
Today I am feeling a lot clearer than I think I have in past weeks, whether that is because I'm writing this post or not I don't know but whatever it is I hope you all are also feeling good about the week ahead. I'm definitely ready for getting stuck into writing, maybe even getting ready for this years NaNoWriMo for those of you who don't know what that stands for it is national novel writing month and it happens every November, I will before November do a blog post about it as a Thursday upload for anyone who is maybe thinking about joining but aren't sure about it and want to hear from someone who has done a handful of NaNoWriMos.
Lets do something a little bit different, I would say close your eyes but I realise that it is a little hard to do when you are reading a blog post. For this next little bit, I am going to attempt to do a little open-eye meditation, we won't go into a full medi, just a little one for the next few minutes. Maybe you will be able to manifest something that you have been wanting or something you have been wanting to do for the past little while but haven't had the time or the chance to do it, or maybe you need to let some more stress or worries go.
Lets take another two deep breaths in and out here to calm us before we get started. Breath in through your nose all the way in reaching every part of your body, hold this breath for three seconds, 1, 2, 3, and breath out through your mouth all the way, hold for two seconds, 1, 2, last breath, breathing in through your nose all the way in, hold for five seconds 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and breath out all the way hold for three seconds.1, 2, 3, Now find you regular breath as we wind down, letting your breath guide you, letting all thoughts go, if you are focusing on manifesting something, hold that thought focus on that one thought, give it all of your energy, maybe here say it out loud, let it be known.
If you want to destress let every thought go, any worries that you can't and don't have control over let them go, whatever it is right now it doesn't have a purpose. It doesn't need to be taking your energy away from something else that right now needs your energy. This could be something you don't realise yet needs your energy, but once you stop focusing on what may be the wrong thing for now but the right thing later on a long time for this moment, once you stop that focus, the thing that needs your energy now will become clear.
Take another deep breath here just one, in through your nose hold for four seconds, 1, 2, 3, 4, and out through your mouth and hold this one also for four seconds 1, 2, 3, 4, now find your regular breathing pattern. Now as we come to the end of this little medi session, I hope you are feeling rested, calm, if you were trying to manifest something, I hope now that it is out in thought and in words. It coming into fruition for you may happen instantly, and it might take time this all depends on how big your manifestation is and how doable it is for right now. For those of you destressing I hope you are feeling calm, I hope you feel lighter, and I hope that you are starting to focus your energy on to what really needs your energy but also for you what you want to focus your energy on to.
For everyone though as a reminder we should all focus our energy into what we want to focus it onto, if what you have been focusing on isn't working, has stopped working or used to be for you but no longer serves you any purpose think about making a change, think about what is drawing you in at this moment in time. What it is that you keep going back to, and you've been trying to ignore it for whatever excuses you've been coming up with to tell yourself to stop thinking about it because you can't do it. Stop. You keep thinking of this for a reason, whether it's a new business idea, a new job, hobby, relationship, moving, taking a little staycation, whatever it might be, stop stopping yourself. Only you can make changes to your life no one can do that for you, your future starts with you, what has been your past has served its purpose it has been apart of you getting to this stage now, but now it's time to think about what the future holds, what you want to do, who you want to be, and how to get there. I hope over the week you think about these things, I hope you take time to really think about what you want the person you want to be and the changes you can start making today to make these happen.
Wherever and whoever you are I hope you have a lovely day and a lovely week ahead as always I will be back here on Thursday but if you only read my Monday uploads I shall be back here next Monday for Mental Health Monday week 9 until then take care, be present with your breath and let it guide you when things get a little tough, use it as a tool that your body provides it can help in so many ways to utilise it, and let it help calm you, remember you can always take three deep breaths when you need to just remember to always come back to your regular breathing pattern after. Thank you so much again for reading this post and once again I will see you back here on Thursday. You can also, find me over on @allthingspositive22 on Instagram we also now have a Facebook page at Allthingspositive
Kia Kaha, Kia Maia, Kia Manawa, Me Te Aroha. Be strong, Be brave, Be Steadfast, with love.
Love always Thinkin out loud xx :D
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