
All things positvie

 Hey Thinking out loud here xx :D 

Just a quick one today, as we are on two week school holidays here in Aus so haven't got a lot of time, and I in true Thinking out loud style forgot to write a blog post last night for uploading today.

Today's post is a bit of self-promo (a lot of people say shameless self-promo) but we shouldn't be ashamed to promote something we have worked hard on or worked hard for, spread your work, share your work and promote it without feeling embarrassed or self-centred for doing so. Little rant over now time for the self-promo. My little cousin Victoria and I have started an Instagram page, for spreading positivity and being a page where anyone can talk to us, so they don't have to feel alone, our dm is always open our handle is @allthingspositive22 we are hoping to in a few months turn this into a business, any ideas care gratefully take, and we would love a follow and a share. We want to make these uncertain times as easy as we can while spreading a little bit of positive as I'm sure we all could use some positive vibes right now. We don't want anyone to feel alone, or like they don't have anyone to talk to, we aren't counsellors, and we aren't claiming to be one, we are two adults who can listen and be a helping hand, again a share is beneficial, and a follow is welcomed, our handle once again is @allthingspositive22 

Thank you for reading this post love always Thinking out loud xx :D

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