
Mental Health Monday week 6

Before we get into this weeks post this is somewhat long so please get comfy, get a drink, relax and take this time for you. Let your mind be free, and put your feet up, this is your time, this is for you and this is our fortnightly catch-up.

First of just need to say I know its Tuesday but this is better late than never right, plus Mental Helth Tuesday doesn’t have the same ring to it as Monday does so sticking with Monday even though it is Tuesday. I also need to say that how have I lasted this long six weeks I have been writing these Monday uploads. I can’t believe I am still doing them, I have to say it has been an excellent cleanser for my mind and I hope they are helping you just as much as they are helping me.

This week is a catch-up week so let me know how you are all going whether it be in the comments below or on Instagram @allthingspositive22 where you can talk to us for a friendly chat or advice on any topic. It also happens to be mental health week this week, so please remember to look after yourselves. Take time for you, take rests and breaks where you can and know that it’s ok if you aren’t ok there is always someone to talk to, someone to help you. You never have to feel like you are alone.

During this week, remember to get outside, take in some fresh air, and really take the time to give your body what it needs, to love your body, and to love yourself. If you've been hard on yourself or your body recently, take a step back and rethink why you've been like that. Maybe try and think, does this way of thinking serve me any purpose? Does it help me? Does it make me feel good? Does it in any way lead me in any suitable manner in life? And can you carry on this way?

If your answer is no to any of those questions, you know you need to make a change, you know you need to change your perspective, your way of thinking and start living for you for your best life and for an experience that you want, this is your life live it your way and no one else's way. If you are an adult, make these choices first for you, if you aren't an adult then I know it's tough. Still, you do first have to listen to the adult who looks after you, talk to them listen to them and come to an agreement that works for both of you. It might not be comfortable or easy, no matter how old you are. Still, it will become easier as you move forwards and away from a way of thinking that hasn't helped or served any purpose so far.

These past few weeks (two weeks) have been a bit crazy, it’s been school holidays, and my mind has been all over the place so much so that last week I ended up cutting my thumb, of course, I wasn’t paying attention to what I was doing. I’m starting to realise this is from overthinking and not letting my mind rest (something I am still learning to do.) Needless to say, after a bit of blood a few tears (from the shock of cutting myself) and two plasters and help from my older cousin I am doing ok. A movie day was had and a little bit of feeling sorry for myself whenever I moved my hand which in turn came with feeling nauseous. But we are now into a new week my thumb is healing taking its time. Still, it is healing so that I am thankful for and that it wasn’t bad enough for stitches or medical attention. I am far from stopping overthinking everything but my lesson with focusing on one thing or at least trying to focus on one thing at a time is slowly being learnt.

With it now being term four the last term of the year here in Aus and NZ, it really does feel like everything is coming to an end, I will be going back to NZ towards the end of November with two weeks of quarantine I’m happy to do whatever it takes to make sure I don’t take COVID back to my family. Hence, two weeks and two tests are a small price to pay when spreading COVID is so easily done. This though has been playing on my mind a lot recently from what will happen at the airport, on the plane, or at the other end when I'm in Auckland. I think I am beginning to realise that I like to know every little detail before something happens. I am now on the list for quarantine so I will have somewhere to go on landing, I yet don’t know where that will be and that freaks me out a little, but knowing I will have somewhere to go helps. As much as I feel sick every time I think about not knowing where I will end up in NZ, best case scenario is Auckland worst would be bottom of the south island, but anywhere in New Zealand is better than not having anywhere to go at all. This is just something that shows to me that I need to learn to go with the flow, that whatever happens, happens. I have to be ok with that. This doesn’t mean that I have to be like that with everything in life. There will be a time when I can’t go with the flow for whatever reasons but for this, I need to let that not having control go because I don’t and can’t take control of this. Where I go will be decided on where everyone on the planes last destination is.

This is I guess another phase of learning about my own mental health and finding out what I am ok with and what I am not ok with but acknowledging that and maybe not accepting it just yet but allowing myself to take it on board and take the time to go ok this happening this is how you feel with this you don’t like this feeling, you don’t like feeling sick for two days in a row now, how can you change that? What can you do to help that? To make that feeling go away? Because I know I’m not going to be sick, but I do need to figure out how I can alleviate that sick feeling. I will get there I know I will, it might be later today, tomorrow or even when I’m sat in my seat on the plane on my way home. Either way, I know, I will get rid of the sick feeling and find a way that works for me. To alleviate these mental feelings and to calm what I guess is nerves for the unknown. Knowing though that I will have people to talk to at both ends family and friends when I am on my own in the hotel room helps. Knowing that as much as I'm physically alone, I won’t be virtually alone. 

I hope this catch-up helps in some little way. I feel like voicing it in away has started helping me. I have already begun to clear a little bit of the overthinking though I know it’s going to take a lot more time and working out on my part.

I hope you have a lovely week ahead or what we have left of this week. I, unlike last week, will be uploading next on Thursday, but if you don’t read my Thursday uploads, I will be back here next Monday for week seven which will be Queensland mental health week.

Thank you for reading and for taking the time to read this post.

Love always Thinking out loud xx :D

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