
Mental Health Monday week 2

Hi Thinking out loud here xx :D

This week I thought I would do a bit of a check-in on how we are all feeling and coping with how things are currently given COVID and the bizarre year we are having, so at the bottom of this blog post comment how you have been coping and let's try and help each other, and say what has been working for us in keeping things as normal as we can, in a time where nothing seems to be normal.

I started at the beginning of COIVD with finding it a breeze as an introvert I couldn't have wished for anything more, having to stay in a dream come true. Like everything there becomes a point where enough is enough, and you eventually find yourself needing to take a break and take some time out from what you initially thought you could deal with as being a new normal. The first wave I'm sure we all found it easier to cope with, we didn't know what to expect from going outside unless it was essential, masks were talked about as much, and washing hands become more talked about, something I think we can all agree on that we should have and should still do regardless, of any bugs and viruses being around. Now we are having second waves, we know a little more about COVID but as far as viruses and bugs go it is still new, it's still in its infancy and we still have so much to learn about it. As much as we maybe don't want to admit it, more of us who maybe haven't experienced as much anxiety/depression and other illness are starting to experience them. It's ok to be feeling like this as many of us are away from family, friends and we don't know when we will be able to see them face to face and not on a screen. I for one can not wait to be able to give my parents, brother and friends the biggest hugs, I'm still hopefully for November/December, this is possibly the only thing keeping me a little sain.

I have over these past months, found ways of coping, for me, those are writing, blogging (this year I have uploaded the most blog posts than any other year since I started this blog back in 2015,) watched more Netflix than I usually would have, even venturing into watching some horror films. I have found that doing a couple of sudokus which has been relaxing and reading when I've had time. I am also slowly getting into a skincare routine and nighttime routine both of which remind me how important self-care is and how much it is needed. Before COVID, I was going to yoga since COVID I have been twice in the past month and both times realised how much I had missed it and again how much it helps as a head clearer as I said in last weeks #MentalHealthMonday. I also have found gardening specifically weeding to be such a good destresser and work out, it's rewarding and you can instantly see a change unlike some tasks where the change happens overtime.

These are a few things that have helped me during this year and something I am going to continue doing, if they also help you let me know in the comments also let me know what works for you; I hope we can help each other as we find our way through COVID and keep on track with our mental health.

I hope you have a lovely day where ever you are and hope these mental health Mondays will help and come in useful if you have any suggestions of what I can write about in future MHM leave your suggestions in the comments, also share these blogs around so we can reach as many people as possible.

As always thank you for reading Love always Thinking out loud xx :D

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