Hey Thinking out loud here xx :D
I'm going to try and keep posting as usual, whether it be a long blog post like this one and last weeks, or if it's a short poem/ short story. However, I think there might be a few longer posts like this one coming up in the next little while. I will try and keep posts as positive as I can Ik now it's hard right now to be positive, but as I said in my last blog post, it is so vital to keep positive when life gets a little bit harder.
Ok, now let's get on to this weeks post, grab a drink and a snack it could be a long read, prewarning guys you may and may not want to read this one, it is entirely up to you.
Back in November last year I did a post about periods here is the link to that post if you want to read it before this one. I mentioned in it how much of an impact one time pads made on the environment and how I was thinking about making the switch to reusable pads. I know what you are thinking yuck, that's so gross, disgusting, I know I thought those things also. After a lot of thinking and looking at reviews I have finally made the switch and oh my god what a change, I never knew periods could be so comfy, far out ladies they really can be comfy, there I've said it periods are comfy. It is all thanks to the lovely Lauren Derrett who is the founder of Wear 'em out. Reusable pads dare I say it are making the cramps bearable, and what a time to make the switch, it is more critical now more than ever I think to make the switch. As we go on to lockdowns and keeping away from people as much as possible getting reusable sanitary products will help in keeping you isolated from the outside world, plus save you money. (They are a little bit more expensive than one use period products but don't forget what you pay now you save in the long run, by not needing to buy them every month. I have worked out that in just over a year, I will be making a saving each month from not needing to purchase single-use pads as well as helping the environment.)
I am still blown away that it takes up to 800 years for one single-use pad to be decomposed entirely, up to 800 years that is crazy, for one pad that gets used once, I'll say it again up to 800 years for one pad that gets used once. With reusable pads, once you've used them and washed them, you can use them for many more times after that first use. The ones that I have bought have a guarantee of up to four years depending on how much use they get. Imagine the number of pads you would use in four years that would be being added to landfills worldwide and some even ending up in our oceans. If you are someone who changes your choice of period product regularly, you could be using at least 22 pads (tampons etc.) a month. Now let's say you aren't on any kind of contraception times that 22 pads by 12 months that is a grand total of 264 pads a year. Now times that by 4 years that's a whopping 1,056 pads in four years, this is a give or take you could use more or less each month. Still, each of those roughly 22 pads each month will each take up to 800 years to break down to nothing; I'll let that sink in. I'll add as well that's only for one woman in a household if there are two women that is at least 44 pads a month 44 pads that every month take up to 800 years to break down.
Now you might be asking what about the reusable pads. Don't they take time to break down? Yes they will eventually take time to break down, but the beauty is they get used more, they get more Wear, to me I see this as them slowly starting to break down with every use. With every period they go through the pad will begin to deteriorate; therefore they won't take as long to break down, unlike single-use pads, this is why I have found it so necessary to be part of the change and to make the all-important switch to reusable pads. Please think about also making the switch it's such an integral decision to make for our environment that we do change how we do things in our daily lives. I can't imagine no one wanting to do that if it means helping the world around us and protecting it as much as we can.
You've read the facts now let me tell you about the company I got mine from I have mentioned it previously. Wear 'em out is a UK based company founded by Lauren Derrett all the pads are made in the UK from breathable fabrics. They have double binding edges which mean no leakage. They have two poppers on the back to keep them secure, for me, this is new territory as I absolutely hated winged pads I found them faffy and hard to use so non-winged pads were my friends. But seriously these couldn't be easier to use, the poppers are a little hard at first to open, but that's nothing compared to how easy, comfortable and smell free they are. Lauren saw something that needed to be changed and made that change happen. Wear 'em out is still a very young business. Still, it is growing and will continue to grow as more woman take the leap to make that world and life-changing switch. I honestly can not put into words (despite how long this blog is) how much dare I say it love these pads, and I for sure will be stocking up on some more to make them last that little bit longer.
As always thank you for taking the time to read this blog post I know it is a little long, I hope you, your family and friends are keeping safe. If you are an essential worker, thank you for everything you are doing, and for helping people to get better, I know it isn't easy. Thank you also for helping to keep daily lives being as normal as they can be. You are so appreciated I only hope that once this is all over you are still appreciated if not more appreciated and thank you again. I hope you all have a safe and lovely day.
Love always Thinking out loud xx :D
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