By Freya Anastasia Hatfield
In the darkest of times, we find solitude, we find the ones who help us, we come together as a community, we learn the meaning of helping others and it taking a village to raise a child.
It doesn’t matter how hard it might be, we find the kindness in helping others, and peoples true colours are revealed, people are pushed, and you see who they really are.
It takes something significant to for us as a planet to realise that sometimes we dont always need human interaction.
It takes something major for us to understand that things spread quicker than we realise.
It takes a little time, soon you settle in, this is life now for a bit, be kind, help out others if you can have fun and get used to your new normal, this won’t be forever.
In a matter of weeks and days, we’ve learnt that coming together has meant distancing ourselves to help each other to stop the spread, we’ve started seeing the little things in life that matter.
Families coming together, children learning things they wouldn’t learn at school.
Animals are starting to venture out where cars would generally be zooming, wildlife is booming, city congestion is going down, pollution is decreasing, the earth is healing.
In this time of solitude, it is helping, as much as it is devasting, its giving earth the time it needs to turn back what we have created.
What we have humans haven't been able to stop or rectify what we have done. Where we haven’t helped it’s helping its self, it’s doing the very thing of if you want a job done well do it yourself.
Remember to be kind, this isn’t forever, take time out with your loved ones, enjoy the little things in life, take this time to learn more about yourself, be patient, we’re all in this together.
Let’s all help each other through this time, let’s be there for each other, let’s find the positives, spread the love and kindness in any way you can and make this the solitude we all need to better who we are and to help those in need.
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