
Dear Beautiful You,

I’m writing this letter to anyone who needs to read these words, for anybody who needs reminding to be kind to themselves. I’m also writing this letter because these words I also need to read, and I also need to remember to be kinder to myself. So to anyone who is reading, you are beautiful, you are strong, perfect as you are them flaws that you see to me are perfect and make you, you. You are kind, loyal, empowering and you are you, and that is the best person to be. 

You at times pull yourself apart because your not skinny or you’re too skinny, stop because what you look like doesn’t matter, what you look like to everyone else is only a glimpse of the person they see. It makes you unhappy when you compare yourself to what you see as the perfect body, stop you are the ideal body, your body carries you and all of your beauty and that in itself is beautiful. That magazine you read last weak that said you need to try the next fat busting pill is lies. That pill will do anything but make you lose weight or gain muscle tone, throw that magazine away and start reading a book. Forget about looking like the next model start looking and being like you, start being your own perfect because you are enough. 

That smile you did the other day is the most real smile you’ve made all year, and it really showed. That person who walked past you noticed, and it made their day, you should do it more, one smile spreads and soon enough a hundred per cent of the people who saw your smile also smiled, and there’s spread. Your smile was so contagious that you don’t realise how many peoples day you made, that is amazing, and you should feel proud, that’s another thing it’s ok to feel proud when you achieve something don’t hold it in let it out and let other people share in your achievements let them be proud with you.

Remember to take time out of your week to fully indulge in you and making time for just you. Whether it be a long shower, bath, or doing something that you’ve meant to do but life has been getting in the way, because you know what life has a funny way of doing that. But you can change that by setting that five, ten minutes or even an hour or two where it’s your time, don’t feel guilty you deserve that time. It doesn’t matter if you’ve spent all week in bed, being in bed you still haven’t spent time on you, you are still worthy of doing something that might be seen as being selfish, but it’s needed to do it, be selfish for you and don’t apologise for it.

You should know that it’s ok to change as you get older, your body, hairstyle, the clothes you wear and the style they are. It doesn’t mean that you are trying to look a certain way or obtain a specific body type, it just means that who you are evolving something we naturally do over time, and that’s ok. We usually loose and gain weight, whether it’s something that is noticed or not, but it goes without saying to make sure these changes are for you and only you. Don’t change because someone has asked you to change if they are asking you to be this image of you that they have they aren’t worth you being around whoever they may be to you. If though you have come up with the idea for you that’s ok and if you’ve spoken to a friend, and they’ve also been thinking of doing the same thing then maybe join forces and help each other out, a new venture done with a friend is way more fun an easier than going it alone. But know that you are still beautiful, and perfect as you are.

Be kind to yourself, treat you as you would someone else, speak to yourself like you would to someone else, you wouldn’t say half the things you say to yourself to a friend so stop saying them to yourself. Love yourself because honestly, that’s so much easier than hating, have compassion for yourself, you have so much love to give so stop giving it all away save some for the most important person, YOU.

Lastly, play that song loud and proud that is currently playing in your head and driving you crazy. Sing it at the top of your lungs, dance like no one is watching because I’m pretty sure if you do then whoever is watching will join in, you never know it could be your next best friend, so take that chance. Take more risks that make you happy and genuinely will make your happiness burst through you like the suns rays.

I don’t know you, but I love you, you are perfect, and you derve the best freaking day so live your best life and a little quote from a little girl I know “go and live your life darling” (please say that quote in an old woman’s voice for the full aesthetic feeling.) 
love always Thinking out loud XX :)

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