Hi Thinking out loud here :D
Here is the second part of my blog post from last week, (also side note from my blog post it's going to feel weird writing my blog today as I am currently flatting at a friends house with some more friends so I'm not in my usual place for writing, but change is always a good thing not to mention it's fun as well.) back to today's blog which same as lasts weeks I started writing it three weeks ago now.
(Three weeks ago me) Now I know its that time of year for a lot of kids who have just gone back to school after the six weeks holiday if it is indeed still called a six weeks holiday and you are probably already dreading the year ahead but trust me when I say just enjoy it your only at school for a short time compared to the rest of your life this goes the same for college, university and any other further education you can get, it might seem like it's never going to end but one day you won't be at school where you see your friends five days a week or where you have people who are looking out for you or where sometimes some big life lessons get learnt, ok you might be the kid who sits in the corner if that is you make this the year where you step out of that comfort zone and do something new it could be the best year you've had at school. Or if you're the kid who gets bullied don't let the bullies get to you one day you could be the bullies boss, find a group of people who are like you and make friends with them instead of feeling like you don't belong it might take time but at the end of the year it will all be worth it trust me, even if it's one friend that's one more friend that you both didn't have before.
If you are the bully think about what you're doing, think about how you'd feel if it was you being bullied, you might think it makes you tough but honestly it really doesn't if anything it makes you look weak because you feel the need to intimidate or scare someone. Being a bully isn't something to be proud of what are you going to tell your kids in ten, fifteen years time when they ask you what you were like at school, do you really want to tell them that you made other kids scared to walk past you in a corridor that you made others too scared to even go to school let alone to wake up in a morning, that you hurt someone physically, mentally or emotionally that it cut them deeper than you know, that they go home crying every day because they can't cope with how you treat them. That they might have thoughts that you don't ever want to have because not only is it you who haunts them but it's the thought as well. Is that the person you want your kids to know because that is what you will have to tell them. So if you are a bully why not try to change that why not try to be the bigger person by not having to pick on someone, or by not having to call someone a name or push them just because they might be in your way whatever it is you do why not change it. If you're in a group why not be the one to stop the bullying instead of carrying it on you never know it might just make a difference to someone's life instead of ruining a life you might actually save a life.
I don't know about you but at the school I went to there was always a group of kids who were seen as the popular kids but I honestly have no idea why, so to the 'popular' kids who actually aren't all that popular, look around you school doesn't revolve around who you are, what you wear or even how you act. There is more to worrying about your makeup and whether you skirt is too long for guys what your hair might look like or if you put enough deodorant on (too much so people have to hold their noses when they walk past you,), trust me if you worry about that now what are you going to be like when you've left school no one in the 'real' world cares about what you look like we're all oo busy going about our own lives to care what people think, I'm not saying don't care about how you look like at all just pick the right time to care about how you look. Please whatever you do don't become the person who isn't seen as being as smart as they are, ok you might be blonde that doesn't mean you have to go with stereotypes you can still be smart, and don't be on your phone for the whole of class you will wish you'd paid more attention when it comes round to exams, after all, that's what break times are for so you can use your phone. I get that it's not only girls who are in this category but guys as well to them please don't act like you know everything nine times out of ten you probably don't plus it makes you look like you are trying too hard to fit in just be you if you don't get something ask for help it's not the end of the world, if you're trying to impress a girl tell her don't try and act like your everything in front of your mates if you can't be the person you are with your mates with her don't even bother trying it won't end well, and to girls trying to impress guys try talking to them like actually talking don't try to be cute and girly just be yourself even if it means you have to be the one who goes to them first do it, it doesn't always have to be the guys.
(today me) For kids who are starting a new school like going into year 7 or moving schools for whatever reason, relax I know it's scary I've been in that position twice the first time I hated it but the second I found it easier as I wasn't the only new kid. And don't listen to everything the big kids say as it generally isn't even true if it's stories about the school then that's all it is a story unless a teacher says otherwise. Don't suck up to anyone either what I mean by that is don't make it look like you're willing to do anything and everything around the school, try doing something's that will help teachers but don't become that kid who has to do everything the teacher asks for. Just relax you still have plenty of time to help with teachers and other members of staff make it a priority to make friends and enjoy school while it lasts it goes by quicker than you think it will believe me.
(past me this part goes with last week's post) In a nutshell what I'm saying is if it's your final year or if you are coming up to your final year and want to leave think twice you could be missing out on the best year of school the year where you make most of your memories the year where you get the best grade you've ever got or the year where you help someone you haven't helped before or didn't even know, the final year is honestly the best year of school, it's sad, it's a laugh trust me it really is, your at a stage where you've never known your teachers more than you do now and likewise they've never known you more than they have now, they have a bond with you that you will never know because as teenagers the world revolves around you and your mates but when they say something you don't agree with they are only looking out for you. You're going to have ups and downs but life is full of them they don't stop once you leave school in fact the real ups and downs start once you've left school, enjoy the freedom school gives you life gets harder once you leave, big decisions have to be made and no it's not what you're going to wear or how your hair looks. Take on the things school throws at you listen to your teachers, make this year easy for both you and them they have a lot of kids to think about not just you. But out of everything enjoy it because seriously once you leave you are going to miss it. Had I left when I was sixteen, seventeen I'd of missed so much I'd of missed making stronger friendships and learning that not all teachers are right not all are wrong but all are only looking out for you. They say weird stuff but so do you, they try to speak to you like an adult but stop when you don't act like one. Don't act stupid act like a person they want to talk to if you need help don't flog them off when they try to help you.
School, is like a blink it's there one minute and gone the next, it's a small chapter in your book, it's a blessing so many don't get to have but so many kids dream about having, it's a privilege to be able to go to school don't take it for granted. But of course having said all that school isn't for everybody but please give it a chance if it really isn't for you talk to your parents they won't like it but they will always want what's best for you but make sure you have a plan of what you want to do as they won't just let you stay home and do nothing. You're not alone in wanting to leave to start the rest of your life but just know leaving school isn't always the easy road out.
(today me) I now a lot of this you're probably thinking yeah right none of that is true but from experience, it all is true as most of the things I have thought, gone through or know people who have gone through it. Appearance is one thing but who you are on the inside is another thing, I know teenagers can be egotistic but ego isn't everything everyone has their own troubles that no one knows about treat people the way you want to be treated and the same will happen for you, what you put out you are guaranteed to get back so think about what you want to get back later in life, who you are now today this very second is a totally different person to who you maybe tomorrow or next week don't let who you are now, determine who you might be next week if you want to change how you are with people then don't let that hold you back if it's for the best.
I'm so sorry this is another long blog post but not much to go I promise I will try to not make it much longer. I feel like it isn't only school kids who have these problems I feel like it goes for anyone who is still in education. This being college uni etc. I know it is a big thing the next step after school I've tried it and found it wasn't for me, I did a six month course with a year course to go to after at one of the best music schools in NZ the fact that I got a place still blows my mind but that aside I had changed my mind and realised my feelings had changed and I wanted to do something else which as well all know is writing. To a lot of people it's obvious what they want to do and others not so much even going to uni and sticking with it doesn't always make you find out what you want to do that's just how these things go sometimes, a lot of the time we don't feel like we are old enough for how quickly our lives are going but that's kinda how things have always been. Once again you are the new kid with a bunch of others you're not alone, you are all there to find out what you want to do when you finish your degree, course or diploma but like wen you were at school enjoy it ok it's going to be so much harder than school and it will be a shock but enjoy it you have so many memories to make don't miss out on them, spend time working but don't forget to give yourself a break once in awhile just don't go crazy with the partying remember you still want to pass what you are doing.
When it comes down to it we have all been there whether you still are or its been years since you were in a school environment being taught we all know the struggles and the good times that can be had. We all take things differently but it doesn't mean we all don't or didn't have fun because I'm sure we all did. For people still at school enjoy it, make the most of it, make as many good memories as possible, don't let what you think people think of you get to you be you, be who you want to be it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks at the end of the day they're being them so you be you I feel like I've said this before but everyone else has been done everyone else is taken apart from the person you are no one else is like you and that what makes us all different, yes there is stereotypes and cliques but that doesn't mean you have to be one of them. School is like a roller coaster it goes fast, slow, up, down and it even goes in loops you get on in year 7 and get of in year 11, 12,13 (depending on the country you live in) there's moments of excitement and moments of fear don't let the fear hold you back from enjoying it, it's a moment in time that won't last long, it's a place where you learn who to be friends with and who not to be friends with, it's your time to see who you are and to start to think about who you want to be.
If you take anything away from last week's blog and this weeks blog then please let it be this, we choose who we want to be, people they come and go so does school but who you are stays, how you treat someone sticks with that person (first impressions quite literally are everything) if you are rude to one person that is how they will see you if you are kind to one person that is how they see you, if you are a bully at school you are always going to be seen as a bully to that person you bully it doesn't matter how much you change when you are older but that hurt and pain isn't ever going to go away for your victim they won't see you as being a changed person if anything they will see it as an act and not as you being you, if you are seen as being popular you will always be seen as that even once you've left school and are no longer popular your peers will always see you as that person likewise for the kid who works hard at everything you do you will be seen as that person which honestly isn't always a bad thing. What I'm saying is people will always have their opinions on the type of person you are, so make it easy for them by making them see you as being someone they want to be around, put egos aside and let people know the real you without them wanting to run at the first chance they get.
Once again I am so so sorry this is a long blog post but I felt like this was a topic I've been wanting to talk about for awhile and it's something I would have loved to have read when I was still at school. I guess in a way it's a letter to a younger me but also to anyone who needs to read this if you can pass it on to anyone you know who is currently at school etc. and would benefit from reading this I would love to have as many school kids as possible to read this. leave comments if you are going through any of this or if you went through any of this, I think it would be interesting on seeing other peoples views on this topic.
As always thank you for reading I hope you are having an amazing day and see you next week for another blog
Love aways Thinking out loud xx :D
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