
Brain activity at night

sleeping and thinking 

Brain activity at night 

Hiiiiiiiii Thinking out loud here, today's post is about brain activity and it keeping me awake at night hope you enjoy :D (its only a short read).

Does your brain ever keep you awake at night? Mine does and it generally wants me to work out a maths equation (not exactly my strongest point and wasn't my favorite subject at school) or gives me words or sentences for either a song or a blog post, exactly like this one, 2:21 am this morning my brain gave my this blog to post! My mind never gets to rest because it's constantly busy, constantly on over drive twenty four seven.It's always alert for more words to give me for more equations that during the day I probably wouldn't sit down to workout

I guess my brain contemplates for me at night time when I'm trying to sleep when the rest of my body is relaxed and I'm not doing anything physical but mentally I'm busy, at times this can be the most annoying thing in the world especially if I'm really tired and I need to get to sleep but having, said that I wouldn't dare change this brain for a different one, as I like the way my brain thinks and the imagination that comes with it, that most people loose when they become teenagers.

All I can say is thank goodness for my amazing brain even if it does keep me awake until the morning. After all I am stuck with this brain for the rest of my life, now there's a thought. 

Love Thinking out loud :D

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