
Happy New Year

Hiiiiiii Thinking out loud here :D This is going to be just a quick post

Well here we are at the end of another year and the start of a new one it's time to say goodbye to 2015 and hello to 2016, I know I haven't been updating this blog as much as I would have liked but this past year has been busy and eventful to say the least. Fingers crossed next year I will be uploading blog posts more frequently hopefully getting to one a week if I can.

I aim to do a mixture of things but my main goal will be uploading short stories hopefully a little bit each week, so you can follow me as I continue on my writing journey and on my way to finding a
publisher as I come to the end of my first book. 

So to who ever is reading I hope you had an amazing Christmas if you do indeed celebrate Christmas, and I hope you have an even more amazing New Year please keep safe tonight and be careful with whatever you get up to. For now this is it from me for this year speak to you in 2016 with hopefully alot more post from Thinking out loud. 

Only three hours to go down here in NZ (if you do read my blog please comment letting me no where you are from I would love to no thank you.)

Love always Thinking out loud xx :D


Brain activity at night

sleeping and thinking 

Brain activity at night 

Hiiiiiiiii Thinking out loud here, today's post is about brain activity and it keeping me awake at night hope you enjoy :D (its only a short read).

Does your brain ever keep you awake at night? Mine does and it generally wants me to work out a maths equation (not exactly my strongest point and wasn't my favorite subject at school) or gives me words or sentences for either a song or a blog post, exactly like this one, 2:21 am this morning my brain gave my this blog to post! My mind never gets to rest because it's constantly busy, constantly on over drive twenty four seven.It's always alert for more words to give me for more equations that during the day I probably wouldn't sit down to workout

I guess my brain contemplates for me at night time when I'm trying to sleep when the rest of my body is relaxed and I'm not doing anything physical but mentally I'm busy, at times this can be the most annoying thing in the world especially if I'm really tired and I need to get to sleep but having, said that I wouldn't dare change this brain for a different one, as I like the way my brain thinks and the imagination that comes with it, that most people loose when they become teenagers.

All I can say is thank goodness for my amazing brain even if it does keep me awake until the morning. After all I am stuck with this brain for the rest of my life, now there's a thought. 

Love Thinking out loud :D


friends, family and long distant relationships

hey Thinking out lout here

Today's blog is about friendships and long distant relationships hope ya like it :D

I've lost people and gained people, I've managed to make a variety of friendships some that we can go months on end with out talking but when we do eventually talk it's like we talked just the other day like no time has passed at all. 

And others have sadly died out not because we never talk, although that is probably one of the reasons, but because we live so far away so we just haven't been able to keep the friendship going like we may have if we lived in the same country. With the ones I have kept it doesn't matter that I live half way around the world from them, because sometimes it's like I still live down the road or just in the next town even though to see them in person I'd have to take two or three aeroplane rides. 

It's funny because people we love the most can seem so close yet they live so far away yet we can use Skype and Facetime and it instantly feels like you're in the same room if you both have the exact same drink or food that makes the experience that bit more real. I find it great how much technology these days can keep relationships strong no matter how far away you are from friends and family. Although don't get me wrong its hard to keep friendships and relationships going some are harder than others and don't get me wrong I haven't exactly kept up with some friendships that I wished I had, because when I had them friendships they were great and some of my first friendships and probably some of the best friends I've ever had. 

I guess what I'm saying is that sometimes long distance friendships, relationship what ever you want to call it can work. Sometimes they need a lot of work and sometimes they don't need any work just some time to keep the friendships/ relationship going. What ever you do don't give up on it as soon as the going gets tough (a cliche I know but seriously its true) because once you give up there is no going back although nothing is set in stone, meaning you never will go back to the friendship it will just be harder next time round to pick up from were you last left it. 

Just think about people you are with now and the friendships you have or even the relationships you have now whether they are in the same town or long distant you never have to lose a friend because of land between you all friendships are worth keeping. You just need to figure out if the friendship is right for you or if your right for the friendship. Just don't let distance put you off something that could be real don't be scared to give it a go because even if it doesn't work out at least you can say you tried and you didn't stop before it had even started.

Love Thinking out loud :D


reflecting on younger life

Reflecting on younger life

Hey thinking out loud here :D

Sometimes I wish I was a child again as life seemed so much easier and more fun no responsibilities no having to walk everywhere no chores to do. But then I think about it when I was a child I was small I couldn't do much for myself I relied on my parents and my brother a lot, don't get me wrong I rely on them now just not as much.

I Can do more things for myself although I'm still too small for some thing's but I think being small is good and for now I'm OK with that as I'm medium height and I don't mind it because I'm not too small and I'm not too tall. In my mind I'm the perfect height and it's my height.

I'm glad that I remember being a child and having help with being a child but I have to say I also like being older and being able to do more things for myself even if I do need help sometimes having to reach something on the highest self or cupboard in the kitchen :/ I wouldn't change how things have panned out although every now and then I do wish I could be pushed around in a pram or pushchair if only for one day, especially when its a rainy day and I see a little kid wrapped up warm and all snugly not getting wet or cold those are the days I wish I had a grown up pushchair all I can say is at least I can dream.

love Thinking out loud :D




basically new year new adventures new hobbies and this is one of them I'm hoping to make friends along the way and enjoy life in 2015 as i encounter change and the first steps to getting a carer (going to uni)

Hi my names Freya and I'm kind of new to all this I've never done this before now I know what you're thinking a nineteen year old who's never blogged before who lets her outside, but between you and me I have blogged I've just never posted anything (until now.)
This is me introducing myself as you can see I don't do that very often as I'm shy and not very confident but I like writing this makes me I guess confident without having to be known, it lets me let my mind go wild and have a field day every now and then.
I promise my blogs won't get too long,  fingers crossed they will get better as time goes on, for now this is a hobby and I hope it stays as a hobby I'm doing this because I like writing and I'd rather not just have things stacked up on my laptop doing nothing.

I guess for now this is me I sincerely hope you liked this introduction and hope you read more of my blogs as I put them up hopefully as often as I can I guess all their is to do now is to welcome you to Thinking out loud :D xx